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Discussion: Report your bingo (second drawing)
posts: 15 views: 1249 last post: 8 years ago
created by: Abandoned by user
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Way to go - why are you apologising? lol... Are the sheep getting crowded? :D
Congrats everyone! :D
Reply to post #53 (show post):

The herd is doing well. Thanks for asking.

No, I could have saved up the post of bingo #4 until I finished Nine Tailors and posted both together rather than spamming everyone's notifications....
First Bingo
Reply to post #56 (show post):

Yay! Congratulations. :)
Congrats Rachel!!!

I too got another bingo today - here's the updated post.
Reply to post #58 (show post):


They are coming fast now, don't they?!
Sixth bingo:

Finished Murder in the Kitchen (the J.B. Fletcher one....) for the New England square which completed the vertical row from Genre: Horror to Pumpkin.

Main post is now updated. (Review to follow. It's another horrendously busy week, so I probably won't get to write the review until Friday.)
Second Bingo!
Middle Row Down
Got my third bingo! This one diagonal!

Post is here.
I finished my Scary Women (Authors) square and got two more bingos :)

Post is here.
Fabulous. It's lovely seeing everyone still having fun with this. :D
Fourth Bingo http://melissasteinman7.booklikes.com/post/1475532/halloween-bingo-update-5

Thanks to BT and TA for pointing that one out to me.
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