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Discussion: Report your bingo (second drawing)
posts: 15 views: 1246 last post: 8 years ago
created by: Abandoned by user
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Reply to post #34 (show post):

Way to go!
Congrats Witches' Brews! :)
Congrats, Lora!
Second and third bingo! 7 more squares to blackout.

Finally got my second bingo! Post is located here.
Congrats all!!
Belated congrats to everybody who bingo'd this week!

Also here to report my own Nos. 3,4 and 5 (triple bingo), just completed today. (Center column down -- diagonal from top right to bottom left -- and four corners plus cetral square, if I'm reading the rules correctly).
Reply to post #39 (show post):

So it looks ilke the post of my 2nd and 3rd bingos actually includes my 4th, since I did four corners in the middle?
Wow, the bingos are falling thick and fast now! Congratulations everyone!
Just updated my card and can report my fourth Bingo:
Update post.
Updated Bingo post with 2 more Bingos

Congratulations to both of you!
Fourth bingo:

Finished Hallowe'en Party (Set on Halloween) and The Halloween Tree (Supernatural) which completed the bottom row (Werewolf v Vampire to Set on Halloween).

Main post is now updated.
Sorry, just finished another one...

Fifth bingo:

Finished The Nine Tailors (Locked Room) which completed the diagonal from Werewolf v Vampire to Black Cat.

Main post is now updated.
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