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Discussion: Halloween Bingo 2017: Request Your Card!
posts: 15 views: 5991 last post: 7 years ago
created by: Abandoned by user
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If I missed anyone, please let me know. As far as I know, I am caught up.

Just heard of this through Char's Horror Corner! Can anyone join in, would love to play!
Reply to post #170 (show post):

Anyone with a booklikes account can play!
Great! Would love a card; I lean more toward horror and weird
Reply to post #174 (show post):

Hi Char!! Thanks for the invite and welcome! :)
Reply to post #173 (show post):


Okay so I am new to this but it sounds like fun and I want to give it a try whether or not I finish. :)

I only have 4 types I am not real fond of other than that you can give me what ever you want.


Locked room mysteries
Country house mysteries
Magic Realism

Let me know if I need to do anything else!

Murder She Reads

Oh wow, that was fast. Thanks! :)

It only takes about 3 minutes to make a card.
Reply to post #178 (show post):

Yay! I'm psyched to get started
Think I've followed everyone. Tomorrow I will post a list of all players so we can more easily follow each other.
OB - that would be great!

I think I'm also following everyone!
Need help?