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Discussion: 24 Tasks of the Festive Season: Participants' Progress Reports
posts: 15 views: 2526 last post: 6 years ago
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I've completed task 1 of Door 4, although in a gloomy angry kind of way.
I just realized that I haven't been updating my progress really... Whoops.
An official update post is also in the works this weekend--with marked card, tables, and all!

Total Points: 11

Door 1: Dia de los Muertos: 2 points
Completed Tasks 2 and 4.

Door 2: Guy Fawkes Night: 3 points
Completed Tasks 1, 2, and 3. Will probably skip Task 4.

Door 3: Melbourne Cup Day: 4 points
Completed all 4 Tasks!

Door 4: Diwali: 1 point
Completed Task 4.

Door 22: New Year's Eve: 1 point
Completed Book Task. Review pending. No main Door update post yet.

I ve completed V for veVendetta as my book for Door 2 Guy Fawkes Night.
Excel chart updated. Thank you all!
Reply to post #35 (show post):

Oopsie. Just updated my progress I had posted earlier above. I completed Task 2 and 4 for Door 1: Dia de los Muertos, not 1 and 2.
Reply to post #38 (show post):

That's what I had down for you. :)

Updated. Have 22 points.
Got it -- thank you both!
Since my last update:

Completed Task 1 for Door 3 - 1 point for participation.
Completed Task 4 for Door 4.
Completed Task 3 for Door 5.

Overall points total: 8
Got a point for reading a book for the Diwali book task and another point for one of the Armistice Day tasks, for a grand total of 8 points.
I read a book for Door 2 and completed tasks 2 and 3 for Door 5 and forgot to add my bonus point for Door 3, so I'm up to 17 points. I think. If I haven't completely confused myself.

Tracking post here.
Door 1 - Task 2
Door 2 - Task 1 & 2
Door 3 - picked horses. One of my pick Cross Counter (23) won. 2 point
Door 4 - Task 1
Door 5 - Task 1 and Task 3
Completed Door 5 Task 3
Updated with tasks 1 through 3 completed from Veterans/Armistice Day

Completed another task when inspiration struck, lol, and I now have a total of 9 points.
Need help?