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Discussion: 24 Tasks of the Festive Season: Participants' Progress Reports
posts: 15 views: 2522 last post: 6 years ago
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Thanks, Themis. I'm going to do a few more tasks, so I'll do that post in the next few days. Thanks again.
Reply to post #170 (show post):

Thank you! :)
I completed the book task for door 14.

Total points to date = 52
Update - (67 points earned Door 1-14, 20 & 24)

Door 15 - 4 points earned Door 15 (71)
Door 16 - 4 points earned Door 16 (75)
Door 18 - 4 points earned Door 18 (79)
Door 19 - 4 points earned Door 19 (83)

Total = 83
Updated. Thank you both!
29 points
Themis, I won't have time to do an update post tonight, but I'm going to finish the book I'm currently reading before midnight, so I'll be at 10 points. Do you need a review, or do you need any confirmation that I finished the book?
Reply to post #176 (show post):

Just confirm! :) And you can do so after midnight as well ... it'll still be December 31 SOMEwhere on the world then ...

(I'll only be posting my final update after midnight my time, too.)
Reply to post #177 (show post):

Brilliant, thanks. I'm finishing it up now and I'll post when I do, but I wont have a review up for a day or two.
I’m at 107.

Okay I finished the last book and got the goat is still around guess right, so my final tally is 66 points.
Update (83 points earned for Door 1-16, 18-20 & 24) + earned 2 points for completing further tasks Door 19 & Door 15

Door 17 - 4 points earned Door 17 (89)
Door 21 - 4 points earned Door 21 (93)
Door 22 - 4 points earned Door 22 (97)
Door 23 - 2 points earned Door 23 (99)

I finish on 99 points. :)
Earned a bonus point for a grand total of 51 points!
Final points: 49
Completed Door 21 Task 3 - Where would you visit in Africa?
Need help?