So basically Elle's response is "sorry not sorry". That fauxpology is more faux than apology. And the site continues to allow racist and ableist comments. They haven't changed at all.
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Any reason why the sudden name change from VickieHolt to VickieBlack? (Just curious. You can choose not to answer that.)
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*shudders with rage* JBG just had to bring up Nazis, to belittle the suffering and physical deaths of Holocaust victims, and the pain and grief their families have been dealing with ever since. It's neither responsible nor accurate to liken real mass-murder to no-murder on the Internet. It's downri...
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I had a not-ideal experience with YA Bound, in which they mucked-up dates, sent me the wrong guest post, and I think they have a "if you rate it less than four stars, let us know and we'll send you a promo post instead" policy. So if they have banned you, no big loss - professionalism wasn't their s...
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"This will be my last time responding..." And, of course, it WASN'T her last response. If you're going to do an epic flounce, you have to at least ACTUALLY NOT RESPOND AGAIN ;-)
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Wow, a traditionally-published author in a genre I actually read! Thankfully I've never been interested in her works, anyway. Just goes to show that no one is immune to turning on their readers. For a FOUR-star review, even!
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Sherry Joyce "reviewed" her own book on Amazon (I reported it): More interesting is that she only gave it 4 stars, not 5. Maybe she thought she could get away with it, because 5 stars would've been too obvious.
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The new site doesn't seem to understand what a Goodreads Librarian can do. GR Librarians can alter book info, but NOT users' ratings/reviews - that's what a Moderator does.
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I love it when you talk legal :-)
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