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Discussion: Asshat Updates
posts: 15 views: 70016 last post: 10 years ago
created by: Indie Angie
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Honestly, his email to STGRB didn't bother me all that much. What I find disappointing is that he has now jumped on the "Anna Todd is being bullied" bandwagon. He should know better than to equate a review with bullying.

That is when I lost any respect for him.
Reply to post #1438 (show post):

Since his email to Snot and their decision to hide their attacks on him, I've noticed how people who bother Gavin suddenly get shit on in Snot comments.
Yup. I saw the vile things they said about Shelby, thanks to Jenny Trout's blog.
New comment on Snot.
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Personally, I don't really care about the latest drama llama stuff from Gavin. I was more interested by how "What's Going On" apparently thinks a successful author can't be an indie. Huh, tell that to HM Ward who puts traditional publishing in perspective. Ward still clicks publish herself on Amazon, yet makes more money than many trad published authors. What's Going On needs to spend less time stalking BL and more time learning about the changing trends in publishing.
Brian Martin aka Gurglings of a Putrid Stream aka Bucket Full of Shit and STGRB asshole is going after Jenny Trout because of the ´After´ book. All nice and fine, but I do find it kinda ironic that his friends from the ugly green hate site would label him now a bully and a troll for attacking an author in a such a personal way. Oh wait, nevermind, pick and choose whom you can attack, right Brian? What´s wrong, Brian, you are not wanted anymore on the ugly green hate site? Did you piss Melissa off, did you not kiss her ass hard enough? Please do tell. But nawh, I am sure they are happy to have you. :-)

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Ah, Brian is still wanted over at the ugly green hate. Not even hiding it´s him who kisses Melissa behind coz he likes it that way. So much to their new "Be Nice You Moron" policy and not allowing comments against someone based on religion, sex, gender... yeah, I know, lots and lots and lots of BS.

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Reply to post #1442 (show post):

But of course Brian aka Putrid and the ugly green hate site very own´s Johnny Be Melissa are good friends with eachother. No big shock anymore.

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Gavin and Snot Bond

Gavin didn't feel comfortable sharing the nasty message with his "friends" on BL. However, he felt super comfortable sharing with his real friends at Snot and WIN.

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WIN mod Paula Shene embraces a toilet fetish with her response.
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Juicy sure worked her magic. After repeatedly trashed Gavin before starting a rumor about him being a thief (including using socks on BL to spread the lie), she's now turned him into a STGRB supporter.
Karen S. Bell blog

Nothing BBA related, but her outrage is funny considering what some of her friends write. :)

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Ugh, what does she care what other people are reading and writing? Just focus on your own work, lady. Leave readers and the writers they enjoy alone.
Reply to post #1446 (show post):

I believe Bell blames romance trends for her lack of success. If she can only get rid of the "smutty" competition by having them sold on a porn site while her proper romances remain on Ammy, she will be successful. Uh-huh.

Anyway, the fact that a few of her whiny buddies write the kind of smut she wants to hide in the backroom is why I enjoyed the blog. Meow.
Bell's blog is one of the funniest things I've read. How dare those writers of smut get in the way of her success. I see her as that woman on the Simpsons who's always saying "will no one think of the children!"
Reply to post #1448 (show post):

Now you are unfair. :P Karen S. Bonkersbell has those fancy AIA thingy on her books, you know, from her circle jerk of friends, and she even paid them to review her masterpieces of literaweture. And let´s not forget those even more fancy reviews from her son, her daughter, and her daughter-in-law. Plus all those five stars from the STGRB/ATA/LOSE chicks. How can she not be successful?

It´s all the smut, definitely, maybe. ;-)
I feel suitably chastened **snicker**

And there are the five star reviews from herself too. I mean let's face it, there's nothing classier than giving your own book a five star rating.
You´re so right, panic, smut has no reason for existence. Isn´t it funny that the people you support write smut? Emma writes alien porn, Jaq writes goblin rape fantasies and Melody writes pseudo incest fan fiction. I sort of like that. :)

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You think, since Wattpad is a place for "rough drafts", that´s the reason Melissa Douthit joined the site in May and published her "Rae´Chaelia" over there? Makes sense.
Wow, look at these YA authors reading negative 'snarky' reviews of their work. Look at this! Not one single reviewer is mentioned or bashed. NOT ONE. How do they manage to do it?


Right: they're not assholes.
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