Okay, I read a few pages and the language is blowing me away and not in a good way. The grey awful misery tangled round his heart and throat, choking him, sickening him with the vileness of his own nature. The shame and self-loathing too deep for repentance, too deep for words. Too deep for anyth...
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I'm Nicci - TWLIB Reviews here and just plain Nicci at GR. Have the same avatar. https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3730572-nicci
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For once I'm on time to do a challenge or BR. Purchased the book and stocked it on my Eshelf.
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I love complex characterizations. There is no easy answer for Laurent's behavior. He is everything I couldn't ever associate with, but in fiction, it gives some insight those people. What makes them act this ways. He has reasons which some of it comes through in Volume 2. And no there is never ...
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Hi, I'm Nicci. I read mostly gay romances but I love it even more when the genre incorporates mystery, crime thriller, fantasy, etc. I also have no problem with het situations as part of the m/m storyline because gay men do not live on an island.
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Reply to post #11 Yes, the page numbers are there at the bottom. I didn't notice before. Sorry!
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In the discussion forum, some of the original posts are disappearing (i.e. 1 thru 30 posts disappear, 31 thru 40 are shown.) Seems like a roll off, first on first off.
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I think we should separate discussion by book. I was reading another thread in this group and it became confusing because the posters stopped referring to the book's name and the post themselves fell off into dreamland.
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Thank you! We needed a central location for the how to questions.
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