I'm pretty active, not everyday always but at least 4-6 posts a week and some misc non book posts. I like fantasy, lots and lots of graphic novels and comics, literature, some biographies, some sci fi. I'm always looking to find new people to follow! Feel free to follow me.
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Yeah, that was driving me crazy. I guess i have to wait!
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Does anyone know if there is an easy way on leafmarks to see if you have a review for books? The only way I seem to be able to is painfully slow and time consuming. I just need to quickly see if I my review transferred. Help appreciated.
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I read a bunch of graphic novels. I also read Fantasy, general literature, historical fiction, YA, dystopia, some non fiction but usually limited to biographies.
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Currently, I have 3 cats. Itchy (Korat) and Scratchy (Tuxedo) were my husbands before I met him. At the time, I had Simba who I believe was part Manecoon. When my husband asked me to move in with him a month after we met, I said only if Simba comes with me. And so are car family merged. Simba was a...
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I assume it's ok if I just fill it out as I go? I don't like to pick ahead of time, it kind of ruins it for me.
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[url="URL"]https://www.leafmarks.com/lm/#/users/10103/profile[/url] Always looking for more friends, so feel free to friend me here and or on leafmarks.
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https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5063179-cornelia-merry-meerkat-marginalia Not sure how else to link it
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