Emma's parents go missing then her legal guardian, Bennett, shows up and takes her to Boston where she sees ghosts and other things that go bump in the night. She does not quite trust Bennett nor he her. How will she discover what is going on?
Wow! I really liked this story. It took me a little while to get into it but when I did I was wide eyed with wonder about what was going to happen. There are a lot of questions I want answered so I will read the rest of the trilogy. The world building is good. The storytelling is good. I liked the characters and I like that Emma can communicate with the ghosts. I also like that she has a line she does not want to cross. I hope the rest of the story will be as good.
Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited
Medium Sam Firecloud can see ghosts and while they don’t actually talk to him he can get impressions from them. Enough for his wife, private investigator lacey Fitzpatrick, to research who they are and find how to help them on their way. In this story though, it’s Sam’s son Daniel who suddenly discovers his dad’s gift has passed to him when his best friend tries to communicate that he was murdered. Poor Daniel. He’s struggling with the loss of his best friend and now this? That’s a bit much for any teen, right?
Sam does the best he can to guide Daniel while still letting Daniel do things in his own way. Even if that means Daniel ignores his newfound gift. Lacey helps and they eventually find who murdered Jason. In addition, Daniel has a new girlfriend and he hopes she won’t think he’s a freak. But it’s all good. Kenzie is pretty cool and she likes his gift and his family. And on top of all this, Sam has quit his construction job and is starting his own pottery business. So he’s searching for a place and buying equipment and supplies. Whew! A lot going on in this one. All-in-all this is a great read.
Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited
When the owners of the Castle Fitzpatrick in Ireland call Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud to come investigate some ghosts in the castle, Sam and Lacey are surprised. They had no idea that anyone had heard of their paranormal investigation business outside the western US. Lacey is even more surprised by the castle name. Is this a connection to her own family tree? She’s about to find out because they accept the offer and away they go.
Nice! I like how this one weaves Lacey’s family history into it. I’ve seen Sam’s family on the reservation, so it’s only fair to get some info on Lacey. And it’s a doozy! The ghosts are heart breaking though. I like the side characters and hope to see them again in another book. All-in-all a fast intriguing read.