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text 2013-11-08 01:40
15 Week Book Playlist Challenge - Day 2: Irish Punk (Seven Deadly Sins)
A Christmas Carol - The Original Manuscript - With Original Illustrations - Charles Dickens,John Leech
Bet Me - Jennifer Crusie
Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
Being Me (Inside Out Trilogy, #2) - Lisa Renee Jones
Tart (Delicious #2) - Lauren Dane
Death Note, Volume 1 (Collector's Edition) - Tsugumi Ohba,Takeshi Obata
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Goro Taniguchi,Majiko!
Naruto, Vol. 1: The Tests of the Ninja - Masashi Kishimoto
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas, Robin Buss
On Every Street - Karina Halle



So basically, this is a book challenge that devised myself as a dual 30-Day/15-Week Challenge that blends book selections with a musical theme.  I'm choosing to do the 15-Week version of this particular challenge, with 2 theme days a week. 


You can find the original drafted prompts (apart from the graphic above) here: http://rosepetals1984.booklikes.com/post/670300/a-30-day-book-playlist-challenge-


So for the second day of this challenge has me thinking of books I've read that fall under the seven deadly sins.  Thinking about what I wanted to do for today's challenge, I figured I could either choose books for one of the Sins or one for each of the seven.  I'm going to go for the latter to make it fun and a bit diverse.


I based this off the Flogging Molly song of the same name, so it's only appropriate. =P


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text 2013-11-08 00:20
15 Week Book Playlist Challenge - Day 1: Punk (Fav Book with a Rebel Character)
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
La Rose De Versailles All Color Ilustration (Berusaiyu No Bara All Color Irasuto Shu) (In Japanese) - Ryoko Ikeda
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas, Robin Buss
Flygirl - Sherri L. Smith


I'm way too excited to start this challenge (though a bit belated).


So basically, this is a book challenge that devised myself as a dual 30-Day/15-Week Challenge that blends book selections with a musical theme.  I'm choosing to do the 15-Week version of this particular challenge, with 2 theme days a week. 


You can find the original drafted prompts (apart from the graphic above) here: http://rosepetals1984.booklikes.com/post/670300/a-30-day-book-playlist-challenge-


So for the first day of this challenge, I'm asked to think of a favorite book (or books) that feature a rebel character or someone who goes against the status quo.   This is making me think quite a bit because I'm having to think of characters who overcome challenges or beat the odds or are just generally made of awesome. 


I'll highlight four for now, some of these are repeats from the last challenge I completed, but I think they're worth mentioning:




Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird): I think he, as well as his daughter Scout were rebels against the status quo during a time when racial injustices were very prominent, and he stood out in my mind as a character who held strongly to his ideals and respective fights. 


Oscar (The Rose of Versailles):  Oscar rebels in the sense that she fights for the poor and downtrodden during the French Revolution, as she sees the injustices enacted in governmental powers.  She's also something of a rebel because of her accomplishments with being a female soldier fighting her way through the ranks. :)


Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Christo) - Yeah, I consider Dantes a rebel. He rebels against the accusations made against him, he rebels against the people who wronged him, and this is just a classic tale of revenge in more ways than one.


Ida Mae Brown (Flygirl) - In a time of racial prejudices, Ida Mae rebels against the status quo and finds a way to fly.


I think since I missed Tuesday's intended entry for this week, I'll do my second post for this week very soon.




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text 2013-11-04 17:29
Moonlight Reader's Book Playlist Challenge: Punk
Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness #1) - Tamora Pierce
Wild Magic - Tamora Pierce
Protector of the Small - Tamora Pierce
Terrier - Tamora Pierce

Day 01: Favorite book with a rebel character (punk)


According to dictionary.com, a "rebel" is defined as:


1. A person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country; or
2. a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition.
There is a probably arguable position that almost every book contains one character who is considered a rebel - rebellion creates conflict, and books require conflict in order to be worth reading.
For this challenge, I am going to try really hard to go at least a little bit off the beaten path for books to fill it, rather than sticking with the more obvious choices - The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, (both of which could fit this prompt).
So, for this challenge, I am choosing an author, not a specific book: Tamora Pierce, whose books are filled with girls who are rebels.
Tamora Pierce's world of Tortall is reminiscent of Europe, during the middle ages, with it's nobility, court, and aspects of feudal society. The first quartet set in the world of Tortall is the Alanna series, which features Alanna of Trebond, a young girl who disguises herself as a boy so that she can take her brother's place and train for knighthood. The Immortals series centers around a young girl named Daine who manifests "wild magic" which gives her a strong connection with animals. This was my animal-loving daughter's favorite of the Tortall books.
An ongoing theme in Pierce's work is strong female characters who rebel against the prevailing limitations of their society. If you've never read Tamora Pierce, you are missing out on something wonderful.
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photo 2013-11-01 06:05
Here's the 30-Day Book Playlist Challenge that people can follow if they wish.
Here's the same Challenge in a 15 Week format. Just follow 2 Days per Week.

This is probably the best I can do graphic wise with this particular theme.  Hopefully this suffices for those of you who are choosing to do the challenge.


The image in the back is from BackgroundLabs.com.


Personally speaking, I'm going to do the 15-Week challenge starting the beginning of next week.  Probably do the day themes on Tuesday/Thursday until the end of the challenge.


Have fun with it guys!

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