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text 2020-04-08 20:24
Reading progress update: I've read 195 out of 359 pages.
Der Weltverbesserer: Sämtliche Erzählungen 1910-18 - Volker Michels,Hermann Hesse

This collection of Hesse's early short stories has been a solid read so far. It has been fun to see him develop as a writer - from early short stories that deal with issues of society and conforming to rules, to later stages that include aspects of coming of age and hints of existential angst. 

There were a couple of stories where I was reminded of the mindset of the protagonist of Unterm Rad (Beneath the Wheel), which was my gateway drug to Hesse. 

So, I have a fondness for these stories. 


Unfortunately, my reading enjoyment is suffering a little from the external circumstances at the moment. 

This is not a great time to read an author who specialises in portraying anxiety and existential despair. 


Still, I am not abandoning the book or setting it aside. I've come to the part where his stories are reflecting some of the major events of his time - i.e. WWI. - and I don't believe I have read anything by Hesse from that era before.

So, I am intrigued, but I am also approaching the last 160 pages of this collection with some hesitation.

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review 2019-08-31 01:51
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith
Francie grows up in Brooklyn with her parents and brother in 1910.  Most of the story is told through her eyes as she grows up.  She has a level head and sees people and situations for what they are.  I liked her. 
This book is a timely today as it was when written and during the time period it is set.  The attitudes from then are, unfortunately, the attitudes of today.  Francie and her family were poor.  Her mother worked cleaning several buildings.  Her dad found work as a singing waiter when he could.  The kids contributed to the family coffers in small ways.  Addiction and abuse are all around them.  But good is around them also.  Katie, the mother, realizes that her children will be more educated and live better lives than she and Johnny.  She wants that for her children.  They have a hard life but they rise above it.  I loved Katie's sister, Sissy.  She adds color to the story but loves her family. 
I found this a hard book to read but I am so glad I read it.  The lyricism of the prose is beautiful.  Each chapter is a vignette of their lives at a particular time--trivial things that make a life.  It is a wonderful read.
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review 2015-08-19 18:45
Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde The Dover Reader (Dover Thrift Editions) - Oscar Wilde

I am already familiar with the works of Oscar Wilde, and I was able to read more of him through this collection. I liked it because it gathered, different works of Oscar Wilde (fiction, plays, and non-fiction), and that allows us to read him from different perspectives.

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review 2013-09-18 00:00
Diaries of Franz Kafka - Franz Kafka Este autor no quiso que su obra se publicara. "-Max, ¡destruí todo!" ... Max no escuchó, afortunadamente para nosotros. Supongo que tendría aún más recelo sobre su diario íntimo (?). ¿Quién querría que cualquier persona tenga acceso a lo que escribiste para tus ojos y nada más que tus ojos? Tus pensamientos más intensos por ser los reales, o sueños desquiciados que no comentarías con nadie por temor a ser medicado inmediatamente; opiniones, inquietudes, sentimientos. Todo lo que te forma.Debería respetar eso ¿no? Debería darle ese beneficio a uno de los escritores que más estimo y admiro (sin competir con Annie Wilkes; no, no). No obstante, y lamentablemente, no está para dar su opinión. Y no puedo basarme en meras conjeturas... Indicios que no llevan a una conclusión firme. Aparte, ya está publicado. Sería un desperdicio de papel. Pienso también en los árboles. Así que, to the to-read shelf!
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review 2013-08-11 00:00
Diaries of Franz Kafka - Franz Kafka e box epub
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