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Search tags: 2018-non-fiction
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review 2020-01-17 17:10
Less: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2018 - Andrew Sean Greer

I have no idea how I feel about this. I wasn't super impressed. I liked it okay but not enough to say "here, you have to read this" to anyone. Less was borderline spineless, always getting cut off mid sentence and never standing up for himself. And then the ending was like How I Met Your Mother. Really? That's how this all ends? Bah.

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text 2020-01-17 03:07
Reading progress update: I've read 80%.
Less: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2018 - Andrew Sean Greer

I don't know if I love or hate Less. 

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text 2020-01-16 20:18
Reading progress update: I've read 48%.
Less: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2018 - Andrew Sean Greer

It's bad. I stress when work is so busy because I never have a chance to catch my breath. Well, right now it's the opposite. I'm stressing because we aren't  busy, and you need business to keep the doors open. Today, I worked alone from 6am to about 8:40. I filled 5 orders, all for 2 people or less. I did some prep, then i read for a while, then i did more prep, then back to reading. Then my anxiety spurred me to get up and DO something, so I cleaned and degreased a sink, set up the dish pit, and tinkered with organizing things on the prep table. Then back to reading until my boss came in to relieve me. Lord, it was dull. 


Anyway, the book. I can see why everyone liked this. It's witty and well written. I just question Less's decision making. People keep giving him random pills at clubs or recommending drugs that he promptly looks for and takes. Maybe because I'm not in the drug culture and I've had really bad experiences with addiction. Anything but pot upsets me. I lost a cousin to heroin. He was a mule, and a balloon popped in his stomach while he was transporting the stuff across from Tijuana. (No, I swear to God, that is true. I went to his funeral when I was 17.) So drugs being casually accepted and taken without question just....unsettle me.


Other than that, I can completely identify with this man. He's like a Male gay me.

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text 2020-01-16 13:30
Reading progress update: I've read 25%.
Less: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2018 - Andrew Sean Greer

I have this across 3 different media platforms, so I'm sorry if this keeps flipping from percent to minutes to pages. 


This whole trip to Mexico seems sketchy as Hell.

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text 2018-09-08 23:35
Halloween Bingo - Fear the Drowning Deep
Fatal Passage - Ken McGoogan

From the book's description:


The true story of the remarkable John Rae - Arctic traveller and Hudson's Bay Company doctor - FATAL PASSAGE is a tale of imperial ambition and high adventure. In 1854 Rae solved the two great Arctic mysteries: the fate of the doomed Franklin expedition and the location of the last navigable link in the Northwest Passage.

But Rae was to be denied the recognition he so richly deserved. On returning to London, he faced a campaign of denial and vilification led by two of the most powerful people in Victorian England: Lady Jane Franklin, the widow of the lost Sir John, and Charles Dickens, the most influential writer of the age. 


Fatal Passage will be my nomination for the Fear the Drowning Deep square.

I have some travel coming up next week and needed a non-fiction book to read on the trip. For some reason, I prefer non-fiction when travelling.



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