Lady Susan, you saucy minx:
"I have made him sensible of my power, and can now enjoy the pleasure of triumphing over a mind prepared to dislike me, and prejudiced against all my past actions. His sister, too, is, I hope, convinced how little the ungenerous representations of anyone to the disadvantage of another will avail when opposed by the immediate influence of intellect and manner. . . .
He is quite agreeable enough, however, to afford me amusement, and to make many of those hours pass very pleasantly which would otherwise be spent in endeavouring to overcome my sister-in-law’s reserve, and listening to the insipid talk of her husband."
This is really delightful. Lady Susan is a calculating bitch on wheels - the Scarlett O'Hara of regency England, absolutely bent on capturing the attention of every eligible (and ineligible, if it comes to that) man within a 50 mile radius.
Superficially sweet:
"She is delicately fair, with fine grey eyes and dark eyelashes; and from her appearance one would not suppose her more than five and twenty, though she must in fact be ten years older, I was certainly not disposed to admire her, though always hearing she was beautiful; but I cannot help feeling that she possesses an uncommon union of symmetry, brilliancy, and grace."
with a backbone of tempered steel and a bellyful of nastiness.