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review 2017-06-25 07:16
Part Two of I WAS JACK THE RIPPER by Michael Bray
I was Jack The Ripper (Part Two): : A Serialised novel based on the Whitechapel Murders - Michael Bray
Everybody knows of the terrible Murders which took place in Whitechapel, England in 1888. The notorious Jack the Ripper was responsible for the mutilation and murder of five women before he slipped away into the night never to be seen again. In this blend of fiction based on fact, Writer Charles Hapgood comes face to face with the a man claiming ripper himself years after the last brutal murder took place, and is intent on telling the story of how he was transformed from a regular child to the evil beast that he became. As Hapgood hears the story unfold, his initial skepticism is challenged by his unexpected visitor’s extensive knowledge of the crimes. As Hapgood listens, he is plunged into a world of madness, squalor, abuse and manipulation when his visitor tells how his hatred for women was countered by a desire to love and be loved, and how when obsession turns to rejection, an ordinary man can go to extraordinary lengths when he feels there is no other option left but to become a monster. In part Two, Miller continues to confide in Hapgood about the events that transformed him from man to the monster he would become, causing Hapgood to question his own morals when more shocking and tragic details of Miller's life are told.
Mr. Bray sure did his research before putting these stories together, and I'm enjoying my visit in 1893 Whitechapel with him as my guide. Miller makes a new friend near the end of Part Two - and I can't wait to see where the story is going to go in Part 3! Miller recognizes the man right away - you will too ::winks::   I was Jack The Ripper (Part Two) on Amazon, and Goodreads Michael Bray on Amazon, and Goodreads Check out Part One of I was Jack The Ripper  




Source: beckisbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/15/i-was-jack-the-ripper-part-two-by-michael-bray
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review 2017-06-25 06:57
Rayne some Havok on your bookshelves!
XXX - Rayne Havok

Xavier: "I escaped from prison, hauling ass in a stolen car, putting space between me and that barbed wire fence- when the damn thing runs out of gas. Luckily, I come across an old farmhouse that looks empty, even luckier, it is not. The threats about daddy coming home don't scare me... maybe they should have."
 Yeah, Xavier... maybe they should have!!
'XXX' is my first book by Rayne Havok, (what a kick-ass name!). I hate to say this, but I don't think I'd heard of her until I read Shaun Hupp's Maniacs with Knives last week. Her blurb for Shaun was so awesome that I had to meme* it for the book's review! Last night, as I was frantically trying to find out what happened to Tim Miller's newest release (Snuff Film - it was missing from Amazon last night - boo!!)  (UPDATE: I JUST read that Snuff Film is banned from Amazon - is there any better advertising than that?! I compare it to the recommendation, ahem - I mean warning labels on Rx bottles.) , and  I saw on Goodreads that Tim is currently reading her books. (Our circles definitely overlap. I don't know why I haven't read this until now.) I recognized a few other names in the reviews, too, but I was already sold. At that point I was just trying to figure out which book I wanted to read first.
Back to the story!
Like most of her books, XXX is a short story, (appx 67 pgs), so when I first started reading I thought I was in for a story that I've read dozens of times already... 'escaped prisoner on the run terrorizes family in secluded house in BFE...' . That is NOT a bad thing! I like those stories and was looking forward to seeing how this author spun it. But I was WRONG! Holy shit, what a ride. It was hard to read at a couple points - 
"TORTURE: NEW AND IMPROVED!! Now, with sprinkles!" 
When I was about 3/4 into the story, Rayne snuck** up behind me and whacked me in the back of the head with it! It's a great, twisty ending - and... one that I didn't see coming. I'm looking forward to reading her other books. I trying to decide which one to read next - I think it's going to be either The Embalmer, or Degenerate. Keep your eyes peeled... there'll be more reviews to come!
P, L & N
Rayne Havok ~ a little psychotic, and a little sweet. She's all about the bloody and gruesome, but also loves to sprinkle it with gratuitous sex.
Rayne Havok on Facebook, TwitterGoodreads, and Amazon
XXX on Goodreads, and Amazon    
Check out my review of MANIACS WITH KNIVES, with author & book links. You can visit the Official website of TIM MILLER to have a look at SNUFF FILM, and view your buying options. Be sure to check out all of his titles while you're there - if you haven't done so already.  


Just for fun...

I Googled 'RAYNE HAVOK' to look for an author site, and this came up - Torrential rain causes havoc on the roads , so if you're in the UK - watch out for floods! 
* From Rayne's review of Maniacs with Knives...
** snuck:  Yes, it is a word! Sorta... ;)  


Source: beckisbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/19/xxx-by-rayne-havok
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review 2017-06-25 06:35
I'm interested to see how the characters develop through the series.
The Early Years (The MisFit Book 1) - AB Plum
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Please don't pass up reading The Misfit because of the three star rating here. The first chapter caught me, but after that - I, personally, just couldn't get invested in it. The story did pick up towards the end, and I think I will give the next book in the series a shot. I'm interested in seeing where it goes, and how the character develops.


Source: beckisbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/the-misfit-the-early-years-by-a-b-plum
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review 2017-06-25 06:29
I hope EVERYONE reads this book, and recommends it to friends.
Odd Man Out - Pete Kahle,James R. Newman



Summer, 1989. It is a time for splashing in the lake and exploring the wilderness, for nine teenagers to bond together and create friendships that could last the rest of their lives.But among this group there is a young man with a secret--a secret that, in this time and place, is unthinkable to his peers.When the others discover the truth, it will change each of them forever. They will all have blood on their hands.
This was a painful book to read. Not only because of 'THE SCENE', (which was very difficult to get through, too), but because of the subject matter. I'm sure you've read/watched 'THE GIRL NEXT DOOR' by now... remember how you felt throughout that entire book/movie? THAT is why ODD MAN OUT is painful. That feeling of helplessness in the pit of (y)our stomach(s). The author's writing made me feel like I was right there in cabin #7, but despite my screams... the story continued. Even when you think it's over... NOPE! That's when the questions start coming. ODD MAN OUT is a story that is going to stick with me/us. Sneaky, sneaky Mr. Newman ::winks::
"[Odd Man Out] pulls back the veil to reveal hatred and violence for what it truly is - far too common and simple." - Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss
I hope EVERYONE reads this book, and recommends it to friends. It is going to turn some people around, and that's a good thing. P, L & N ♥  ~sg 
5/5 Knives for ODD MAN OUT
SHOUT OUT to Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss, born and raised right here in Detroit, MI! Woot! She wrote the book's AFTERWARD, (I won't bestow the 'Michigan Madman' moniker on her ;)). I've wanted to quote her throughout this whole review! It's beautifully written - very strong, and motivational.  
ODD MAN OUT on Amazon, and Goodreads
James Newman on Amazon, and Goodreads  
Bloodshot Books, the publisher of ODD MAN OUT, is gearing up for their 2017 Open Call! The submission period is from August 1-31, 2017. Full details can be found @ bloodshotbooks.wordpress.com
Bloodshot Books - Read Until You Bleed  
Established March 2015 – Bloodshot Books is a micro-press specializing in horror fiction, with a dash of science fiction, suspense and thrillers. Tacky Tie Films - Revolutionizing the way films are made & experienced.
Cover design ©2016 by Ben Baldwin


Source: beckisbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/odd-man-out-by-james-newman
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review 2017-06-25 06:21
Mercy, mercy me!
Mercy House - Adam Cesare
∗∗∗∗ 4 of 5 stars ∗∗∗∗
Overflowing w/ olfactory obscenities, octogenarian orgies & offensive orgasms. Outcome? Overwhelmed.


Source: beckisbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/mercy-house-by-adam-cesare
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