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review 2025-02-01 23:10
Instynkt i rozsądek
Instynkt i rozsądek - Cait London

Sądziłam, że moje rozstanie z tego typu literaturą zakończyło się już na dobre wiele lat temu. Zdecydowałam się jednak wziąć udział w walentynkowej akcji jednego z Klubów Książki, której celem jest przeczytanie jakiegoś randomowo wybranego przez siebie romansidła z serii Harlequin. Posiadając w domu nieliczne z nich, traf chciał, ze padło na książkę Cait London "Instynkt i rozsądek".

Ojciec Ellie Paul Lathrop jest właścicielem sieci nadmorskich ośrodków turystycznych. Mikhail Stepanov zarządza jedynym z kurortów jej ojca. Przystojny, elegancki, zadbany i równie niebezpieczny typ. Mikhail jest synem rosyjskiego imigranta i teksańskiej piękności. Od lat nie ma dobrego zdania o Ellie. Uważa córkę swojego szefa za rozkapryszoną, bogatą pannę, rozbijającą się po świecie oraz wiecznie dogryzajacą mu, dokuczającą wariatkę. Pewnego dnia Ellie wyrusza w podróż z Albuquerque prosto do kurortu zarządzanego przez Mikhaila. Mimo, że nie cierpi tego człowieka, gdyż tak się składa, że tylko on jest w stanie pomóc jej oraz Tanii - adoptowanej córce Ellie. Jak potoczą się losy bohaterów? Czy odnajdą drogę do pogodzenia się? Czy Tania będzie bezpieczna? Na te i wiele innych pytań odpowiedź w książce.

I to w jakiej... Ta historia jest co najmniej pokręcona. Dwoje zwaśnionych ludzi, którzy bardziej pałają do siebie niechęcią, aniżeli miłością; rytuał, który wedle pradawnych wierzeń kobiety odczyniają od lat, mający polegać na odwiecznym tańcu nago na grobie wodza Kamakaniego, celem odpędzenia złych mocy, walka o dziecko... Czegóż tu nie ma... Poza mądrą fabułą oczywiście.

Bohaterowie tej książki niezliczoną ilość razy to wkładają/wsuwają ręce do kieszeni, to z kolei biorą się pod boki, kiedy zastanawiają się nad czymś, co w końcu zaczęło irytować. Romans rozwija się bardzo pomału i - jak na serię "Gorący romans" - wieje nudą. Autorka bardziej skupia się na walce o małą Tanię oraz perypetie rodzinne Ellie. W tej reakcji mamy bardziej ten rozsądek niż romans zrodzony z instynktu. Widać też, że Autorka sili się na zabawne sytuacje i dialogi, ale więcej w nich absurdu niż humorystyki.

Podchodziłam do tej książki bez wielkich oczekiwań, ale też starając się nie oceniać już na wstępie. Po pierwszych naiwnych opisach, co i rusz dawałam szansę tej książce w nadziei, że nie będzie totalną klapą. I wprawdzie nie jest totalnym badziewie. Przemyca kilka ważnych haseł, choć tym mądrościom blisko jest do banału. Jednakże dobrą książką "Instynktu i rozsądku" też bym nie nazwała.

Przy okazji przekonałam się, że tego typu romansidła, już "mi nie wchodzą" tak, jak było na początku mojego zainteresowania czytaniem książek. Aczkolwiek, o ironio - i one są potrzebne, choćby dla zwyczajnego odmóżdżenia po i/lub przy ambitniejszych tematach.

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text 2015-09-02 16:57
Sunny Skies! Meteorologists in Romance Novels
Let It Snow - Nancy Warren
Winning Love (Love to the Extreme) - Abby Niles
The Weather Girl - Amy Vastine
Hell on Wheels: A Loveswept Classic Romance - Karen Leabo
Love Easy - Roe Valentine
Impossible (Huntsford Hearts Book 1) - Laurel Curtis
It Happened at Midnight - Cait London
Wrong Dress, Right Guy - Shirley Hailstock
Taken By Storm: WhirlwindUpsurgeWildfire (Signature Select) - Kathie Denosky,Kristi Gold,Laura Wright
Blue Water - Liz Hunter

I have a good friend who is the Meteorologist on the local news station.  She has to get up hella early. Luckily, we live in San Diego so she suffers little public rage of bad weather reports.  


One of my favorite things about Romance Novels is learning all about different professions. 


Here are some wonderful Romance Novels featuring Meteorologists!!


My lists are never in any particular order. Enjoy!


1. Let it Snow by Nancy Warren


When meteorologist Marisa Langley gets stuck in the cold with The Last Man She'd Ever Want to be Trapped with, survivalist cameraman Rob Sheridan, she can't begin to forecast how hot things are about to get between the two of them.


2. Winning Love by Abby Niles


Mac "The Snake" Hannon has spent years throwing himself into cage fighting as a way to lash back at the natural disaster that destroyed his future. A call for help has Mac returning to the one place he swore never to return: Kansas--in the height of tornado season.



There he meets free-spirited Gayle Matthews. At first he wants nothing to do with the infuriatingly persistent woman, but the crazy challenges she tosses his way are impossible to resist. As she thaws years of bitterness, bringing back the Mac he believed long gone, he starts to make peace with the past and see the future again. Until he learns she chases his worst nightmare--then he can't get away fast enough.


Meteorologist and storm chaser, Gayle Matthews is no stranger to being left behind and now believes in living in the moment. She wants to do just that with the handsome extreme fighter with the achingly sad eyes. As she works to replace the sorrow with desire, she finds herself breaking her one rule: have fun but don't fall in love. When he suddenly pushes her away and she discovers the horrifying reason why, she issues one more challenge: face his fear and come on a chase with her.


Will squaring off with the past lead to a victory for heartache or love?


3. The Weather Girl by Amy Vastine


Summer Raines knows when it's going to rain. She can feel it. That's why the local weather girl's so good at her job. Too bad she couldn't have foreseen the tumultuous arrival of Travis Lockwood, everybody's favorite star NFL quarterback. Make that former star NFL quarterback. Sidelined back to Texas after an injury, the golden boy is trying to steal her precious on-air time. Summer is reduced to reporting from… football games. It's enough to make her quit and become a storm-chaser like her parents. She's stuck with a career that's going nowhere and a man who delights in her refusal to be charmed. Falling in love isn't nearly as easy as predicting the weather.


4. Hell on Wheels by Karen Leabo


Roan Cullen isn’t used to feeling out of his depth. As a photojournalist, Roan travels the planet in search of trouble and chaos—and captures it all through the lens of his camera. But the woman leading him on his first-ever tornado chase makes him crazy. She’s subtle, mysterious, drop-dead gorgeous, and always in control. If the conditions are right, Roan could end up with some incredible photos—and a newly broken heart.


Victoria Driscoll is used to the “boys’ club” that is storm chasing, but the man she’ll be sharing the Chasemobile with for two solid weeks is unlike any of her meteorological colleagues—for a start, he’s far more handsome. But Roan Cullen is a brash risk taker, the exact opposite of Victoria with her precise measurements and forecasts. As tornado season ramps into high gear, the elements are all in place for a massive twister—and an electric, shocking connection between these two chasers.


5. Love Easy by Roe Valentine


News reporting is the main joy in Norma Hill's life. She is hell-bent on being more than a weather reporter, but new tyrant boss, Henry Chapel, doesn't agree. While she is following a news lead, Henry saves her from a handsy heir. His words warn her of danger, but his actions stir deeper emotions. Despite his gruff words, can she find the love forever absent from her life? Pompous and determined, Henry Chapel revives sagging rags and brings them to their former glory. When Lawson Publishing begs Henry to take over the Chicago Daily News, he is more than happy to comply; after all, it had been his favorite newspaper as a child. What he didn't anticipate was a fiery sass-mouthed weather reporter to contend with. He also didn't anticipate finding what he'd been looking for his whole life in the press room.


6. Impossible by Laurel Curtis


Veronica Russo chases storms, but runs from her past by staying firmly in the present. Unwilling to consider the possibility of a future, she’s checked out of life by using solitude and standoffishness as her armor and a sharp tongue and quick wit as her weapons.


Coleman Cade is a walking contradiction- just like his mismatched eyes. A rough and manly bull rider with a playful side. A ladies man with thousands of willing victims, but what he really wants is one woman. The right woman.


Will Roni be able to let go, move on, and find a way to fulfill her dream of having everything? Or will unsubstantiated choices and unresolved demons stand in the way of their happily ever after?


In order to overcome past tragedies and find true happiness- in order to have Everything- Roni needs to do one thing. Find the impossible.


7. It Happened at Midnight by Cait London


Michaela Langtry returns home to Wyoming seeking peace, and if she can avoid Harrison Kane II she might succeed in getting it. Harrison's cool composure and frustrating logic challenge Micaela, so she sets out to crack his carefully built shields. After all, Langtry women are known for being as bold as their men and Michaela is as much a Langtry as any of them...


...It Will Remain True Forever


Harrison counted on Michaela coming back to Wyoming where she belongs. She's always fascinated him with her passionate nature, and he enjoys pushing her to the limit. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to keep her where he can get his hands on her. But buried deep in the Rocky Mountains are secrets that are Harrison's alone. Can the powerful past rise to permanently destroy the fragile emotions growing between Harrison and Micaela?


8. Wrong Dress, Right Guy by Shirley Hailstock 


When a mix-up leaves Cinnamon Scott with a gorgeous wedding dress instead of a ball gown, she can't resist trying it on. MacKenzie Grier appears at her door to retrieve his sister's missing gown, only to be floored by this angelic vision and his own deepest longings. Sparks fly, and soon some enterprising folks are conspiring to give Cinnamon the perfect wedding—all she needs is a groom.


Mac had sworn off commitment. Then the Washington, D.C., journalist sees beautiful Cinnamon wearing white. Still, a man reluctant to believe in love is going to need a lot of sweet persuasion to get him to the altar. Luckily, Cinnamon's already got the dress.…


9.  Taken By Storm: WhirlwindUpsurgeWildfire by Kathie Denosky, Kristi Gold,  and Laura Wright 


WHIRLWIND by Kathie DeNosky


Josh Garrett refuses to let storm chaser Kacie Davidson track a tornado across his Texas ranch alone. He's going with her. Now Kacie faces head-on danger from the powerful twister and from the mounting attraction between her and Josh.


UPSURGE by Kristi Gold


When a devastating hurricane threatens Florida, Marissa Klein and her attractive neighbor, Dr. Greg Westbrook, seek shelter from the storm together. And as the hurricane rages out of control, so does Marissa and Greg's long-denied passion.


WILDFIRE by Laura Wright


After one unforgettable night together, Nora Wallace and Gabe London never expected to see each other again. But when Nora is trapped by a California wildfire, smoke jumper Gabe is determined to rescue her—not realizing he's also saving his unborn child.


10. Blue Water by Liz Hunter


Baltimore TV station's Chief Meteorologist Mariah Mattison badly needs a vacation. When a last minute vacancy opens on a two-week, crewed charter in the Bahamas, Mariah jumps at the chance, and accepts her casual co-worker's invitation, unaware that she'll be coupled with a strange man. Master sailor and yacht delivery Captain Simon Hatcher is dealing with his late father's business affairs when two couples descend on his newly-inherited charter business. Simon thought he'd cancelled all the pending charters, but the two demanding executive-types are insistent, and Simon sure could use the money. Life gets complicated when Mariah balks at coupling up with her intended companion, in favor of Captain Hatcher, and the allure of voodoo and deep diving entice the threesome, Mariah's friend and the two men, to leave the charter in favor of island life. The Caribbean heats up when the captain insists on showing Mariah the real sailing life and a lesson in love.


Do you have a favorite? Let me know! Vote on my Goodreads list: Sunny Skies! Meteorologists in Romance Novels



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text 2014-11-24 16:00
Triple Threat: Romance Novel Heroes or Heroines who are Triplets
At the Edge (Psychic Triplet Trilogy, #1) - Cait London
Prescott Pilot Anthology - Becky Barker
Dressed to Slay - Harper Allen
Midnight Secrets - Ella Grace
Draw (Gentry Boys #1) - Cora Brent
Chasing Victory (The Winters Sisters, #1) - Joanne Jaytanie
How to Seduce a Duke - Kathryn Caskie
Must Love Lycans - Michele Bardsley
Mysterious Stranger (Silhouette, Special Edition, No. 1130) - Susan Mallery
Offside - Juliana Stone

I am imagine that being a triplets entering adulthood is a startling experience. All your life everyone knows you as a triplet, then you go off on your own and no one you meet now knows you are a triplet unless you tell them.  


Here are some wonderful Romance where the Hero or Heroine is a triplet.  Enjoy the plenty!


My lists are never in any particular order.  I am a cat. I can't make up my mind. 


1. Dressed to Slay (Darkheart & Crosse Trilogy #1)  by Harper Allen

2. Midnight Secrets (Wildefire, #1)  by Ella Grace

3. Draw (Gentry Boys, #1)  by Cora Brent

4. Chasing Victory (The Winters Sisters, #1)  by Joanne Jaytanie

5. Mysterious Stranger by Susan Mallery

6. Must Love Lycans  by Michele Bardsley

7. Offside (The Barker Triplets, #1) by Juliana Stone 

8. How To Seduce A Duke by Kathryn Caskie

9. Prescott Pilots by Becky Barker

10. At the Edge (Psychic Triplet Trilogy, #1) by Cait London 


There are actually more! To vote from the best of the best go to my Goodreads list: Triple Threat: Romance Novel Heroes or Heroines who are Triplets. 

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text 2014-07-27 00:26
Lady Desperado: A Western Novella Cait London 99 cents
Lady Desperado: A Western Novella - Cait London

Stolen by stagecoach robber, Raven, The Book of drawings would ruin cold Wyoming cattleman Grayson Steele. The trail leads to Olympia Hutton, a gunsmith who caresses and kisses her gun barrels, and Gray must have her for his own.

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review 2014-06-05 00:01
Review: Season of Truth by Cait London
Season of Truth - Cait London

Thanks to a tip off at the Australian Romance Readers Association, I picked up "Season of Truth" while it was going free on Amazon. Fab!


Cait London has been writing romances for a couple of decades and she's always had a unique style. It works for me, but I can understand it mightn't for others. It's not purple prose, but I'm more aware of her writing than in many romances where the words seem to step back and be hidden by the action. I'm probably not making sense!


"Season of Truth" also continued Cait London's creation of truly romantic heroes. They sigh and love and treasure their ladies. Big tough men who need a little extra care of their hearts -- don't we all!


If you like Cait London's style, this is classic.

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