I had to constantly remind myself while reading Columbine that this was
Not Fiction.I vaguely remember hearing about this massacre on the news back in the late 1990s but this has made me realise how little attention I pay to media reports as only while reading this book did I realise how devastating and shocking April 20th was for a whole community of people in Colorado.
On 20th April 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold drove to their school, planted two bombs and took up stance outside the entrance door to the school in order to shoot fleeing students. The bombs failed but the massacre that these boys inflicted on their fellow students and their families and communities will never be forgotten.
This book paints a very vivid account of before and after the shootings and the author Dave cullen was one of the Colorado journalists covering the story as it unfolded and he certainly seems to have done his research when putting this book together.
At first I was disappointed the there was an absence of photos in the Book but the more I read the more I realized the book didn't need them, the only image is the photo on the cover of the actural school and I didn't even bother googling images of Harris or Klebold until I had finished the book.
As a mother who does the school run every day, it is the last thing on my mind that something of this nature could every possibly occur in my sugar coated little world and this book really made me sit up and take notice. I was shocked at how these two boys could plan and bring about such devastation without their families or friends finding out about their plans.
I felt so sorry for all the families involved and the whole community as how do you put the like of this behind you. I also felt for the families of Harris and Klebold as no parent brings up their kids to become monsters like these two. I am so aware while writing this review that so many of the students, teachers, families, and wider community will spend their lives trying to come to terms with what happened on April 20th and no amount of books will right the wrongs of that day or even begin to expalin to those involved why.
This is a very detailed account of the massare at Comumbine and some readers may find it perhaps too detailed and difficult to read. Its an extremely well researched and well written book and while I found it difficult reading it is certainly informative and an eye opener. Not a book I am likely to forget in a hurry.