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review 2014-08-01 12:57
Cuckolded and Humiliated: In Search of an Heir - Dominique Paige

*Book source ~ Free on Amazon


Royal couple Jorah and Elise have been trying to produce a royal heir with no success. Elise is convinced it’s Jorah’s problem, so in order to secure their claim to the throne she convinces Jorah to let her be serviced by multiple men in an out-of-the-way tavern while he watches.


Who doesn’t love a good cuckold story? I know I do. However, this one is only ok. The sex isn’t too bad, but the writing is choppy and the POVs change too abruptly and often. Some further editing would have made this story a hot little vignette instead of just eh.


Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2014/08/free-for-all.html
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review 2014-08-01 12:43
Surprise ending!
It Came From Hell and Smashed the Angels - Gregor Xane

*Book source ~ Free on Amazon


Ben Coburn has been in many B-rated horror movies. With his large build and less than handsome face he has been regulated to playing the big baddies of the big screen. He spends his days waiting, always waiting until the day he decides he’s not going to wait any more.


First off, I’ll say that this is well-written. Just because I didn’t understand what the hell was going on does not detract from that point at all. Because I’m not typically into horror, I have the feeling I’m missing something big and that’s my fault. It’s not the first time I was lost reading this genre and I’m sure it won’t be the last. But I’ll keep trying. The ending did freak me out. Didn’t see that coming at all. Two thumbs up for that.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2014/08/free-for-all.html
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review 2014-08-01 12:32
Gimme more!
Assassin (Ironstone Saga, #0) - Keith McArdle

*Book source ~ Free on Amazon


Vyder Ironstone is a big highlander, rich and successful at what he does. Did I mention he’s an assassin? Yeah. He’s not someone you want coming after you. When the Prince is abducted and the King hires Vyder to retrieve him he knows this may be the one job that is too much for him. However, he does so love a challenge.


More, more, more. I want more of Vyder Ironstone. I love the world, the writing and most of all, Vyder. He’s fascinating and I am looking forward to continuing with him on his mission. My only complaint is the ending to this short intro. It stopped abruptly, like climbing a hill and finding a 100’ drop as soon as you crest the top. Ending it right before the confrontation or after would have much more acceptable to me, but then abrupt stops are one of my biggest pet peeves. Call me old-fashioned, but every story, no matter how short, should have a beginning, middle and end. Yeah, so not a fan of cliffhangers. Other than that, I loved this tale.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2014/08/free-for-all.html
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