This book is going to get me into trouble. I already know that my TBR pile is gigantic but how could I not, find some treasures inside this book. It was definitely cover love that drew me to this book while I was volunteering at the library. I realized while reading, that I needed to get my own copy of this book, as it’s a fantastic resource.
I’ve heard about these types of books before but this is the first one, that I have actually read. I liked the concept but would I actually like the books that they featured and/or would I find their lists helpful? I wanted this to be a fun, entertaining book consisting of lists based on a variety of different ideas/concepts. I was also hoping that the books that made the list were a mixed lot, some new titles for me and some familiar ones.
What makes this book unique? It’s diversity. “The authors, illustrators, designers, store owners, and bookstagrammers highlighted in this book are all Black, Indigenous, and people of color.” Furthermore, these individuals lived in “spaces where they were marginalized by a dominant white society.” By reading the books mentioned inside, the author hopes that the reader walks away with a greater understanding and the desire for better communication. We all desire a great life.
I liked the physical size of this book, for being a reference book, it fits perfectly in my hands. I liked how bright and colorful the pages were. I felt a renewed energy while reading it and I was excited to see what the other pages contained. Printed on thick cardstock paper, I thought this was a huge bonus considering it’s a resource and how often I would flip through the book. The number of categories surprised me, in a good way. I enjoyed all the different concepts the author used to group individuals and the books. From the one-line sentences attached to some of the books on the list, to the detailed descriptions of a few of the books on the list, I loved all the information that is packed inside this book.
I had started off thinking that I would make a list of the books that I thought sounded great (ones I haven’t seen or read yet) but after reading a few more pages in this book, I realized that I wanted to retain some of the other information that this book revealed. I knew then, I would have to purchase a copy of this book. This book is a gem and I highly recommend you check out this title. Warning: your TBR pile just might get longer.