I came across my old copies of John D MacDonald's laconic McGee when clearing out a dusty old box. First published in 1964 (53 years ago!) Travis McGee's third adventure is still rollicking good fun. Excellent writing that has stood the test of time - comments like "remorse is the ultimate in self-abuse" and "education is something which should be apart from the necessities of earning a living ... it needs contemplation, fallow periods, the measured and guided study of the history of man's reiteration of the most agonsing question of all: Why?" never age; they are as applicable today as they were when I first read McGee's adventures in the early 70's. To enjoy the stories in the second decade of the 21st century a reader has to put aside the gender and racial politics of the day. McGee is the Hero who saves the little woman, and does a damn fine job of it too! Great plotting, fast pace, interesting characters and a maverick hero. What more can one ask when whiling away a lazy afternoon?