I love these characters so much, okay? Really. It hurts, I love them so much. There wasn't a lot of plot in this volume - mostly just Gareki starting at the school and the other characters wandering around and being perfectly adorable in his absence.
Hiratooooooooooo I mean everyone was so precious in this volume. There's just too much adorableness for me to even list off. Akari-chan and Hirato and Tsukumo and Nai and Jiki and Tsuki-chan and Yogi and even Gareki, stuck sulking in his school arc - they're all so sweet and perfect. Akari-chan passed out on the couch is possibly the most adorable thing I've ever seen. And yes, I'm abusing the word "adorable" in this review. I'm sorry. But my respect for Kiichi went up eleven-thousand percent when she went to fetch darling Akari-chan a blanket.
And Karoku. Karoku, sweetheart, please get better soon, okay? I'm tired of crying because you're hurting. And I'm tired of Nai being upset because you're hurting. Just get better. I'm begging you. And if you don't get better soon, I'll reach into the page and snuggle you. That's a threat - take it seriously. And I might steal your Niji while I'm at it, he's sooooooooo darned adorable. Although I don't think I could actually do that to either of you. You need to be together. Got it?
I'd paste a ton of spoilers here, but I think I'll keep this review clean for the moment. Just - I love this series. A lot. Too much. I don't know, but I seriously love it to death, okay? It's funny, and sweet, and pretty, and it's full of action and amazing characters and really, the premise of Circus is one of the awesomest (is that a word?) ideas ever.
Oh, and Mikanagi's art was good at the beginning, but I have to say, it's getting better all the time. Hirato's head is still too small and his hands (along with some other characters' hands) are ridiculously gigantic, but the artwork is still beautiful. I actually think I love it more than I should? It's like I have to keep reminding myself of its flaws, because I spend so much time admiring it that I forget they're there.
And Karneval has the most adorable omake - omakes? omake's? Whatever - ever. Well, Karneval and Pandora Hearts, anyway. But Karneval's omakes don't make me cry like PH's do - they just make me laugh until I have tears running down my cheeks.
This series makes me . . . happy. Really, glowingly, fuzzy-and-warm and dying-of-laughter happy. It cheers me up instantly. There isn't actually much stuff in the world that makes me as happy as Karneval, now that I think about it. Mostly just cats, and Pandora Hearts - and PH makes me cry as often as not. Karneval just brightens my day. I adore it.
Five stars again. And I think I'll show you just one sweet little thing before I sign off - Tsuki-chan thinks you're looking a little down, and he wants to cheer you up. I'll hand you over to him. Bye!
(How can you say no to that? Really. He's got to be the best leader ever. *cuddles baby Tsuki-chan*)