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review 2019-06-04 22:30
Podmorskie więzienie
Podmorskie więzienie - Duncan Falconer

Powieść wciąga i trzyma w napięciu. Natomiast akcja toczy się w szybkim tempie. Nie brakowało dramatycznych i niebezpiecznych momentów. Polecam!!!

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review 2019-02-03 04:12
Olivia Review
Olivia - Ian Falconer

This is a great book for children in grades Kindergarten-2nd. This is a story about a little girl pig who is very energetic and just can't help getting into trouble. I think this would be a fun book to read to younger kids as they could easily relate to Olivia's character. I would use this book in my classroom when teaching children about personification. (Book Reading Level: Lexile 470L)

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review 2018-05-14 16:07
The Fallen Kingdom: Book Three of the Falconer Trilogy - Elizabeth May

Humanity is on it's last legs and everything is gone to pot when Aileana comes from the grave to save everything but it's not going to be easy. She will have to defeat the Morrigan and survive powers that are killing her and her enemies.


It just didn't quite make me feel like it worked, it was probably me.  Honestly, I didn't like the end.

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review 2018-04-07 01:58
Great historical setting, mystery is meh
Falconer's Crusade - Ian Morson

This is a pretty short mystery to read through. Looks can be deceiving though. Despite being short, it’s packed in with some heavy duty stuff.


The setting for example. Very rich in detail and gives you a sense on how it was back then in William Falconer’s time. Add in some political intrigue, a Jewish Quarter, and some rioting and it gets pretty exciting. I really can’t get over how great the setting is. It’s so descriptive you can feel the darkness and the dampness that permeates throughout the novel. Morson also does an excellent job to stay close to historical accuracy here in this novel as well. Forensic pathology is frowned upon, and you even get to see Falconer try on a strange contraption that looks a lot like Medieval opera glasses at the time. :)


The plot is pretty straight forward although there is not much of a secret mystery element in it. The suspect list is not extensive (thankfully! You’ll see why as you read further into this review) and when revealed it’s not much of a surprise or an a ha! Moment. There isn’t much personality to the characters except Falconer and his student Thomas. Thomas is a particular dolt. A Farmer boy who managed to be gifted and chosen to study and be a Scholar, well, for all the idiotic moves he makes, you have to wonder how the University chose this guy to let him attend their school. He fumbles and stumbles at the worst times and always manages to get himself into some life threatening situations (and doesn’t learn from it). It was funny the first few times, but after a while it gets annoying and you want to slap this boy upside the head. (You don’t deserve Hannah’s attention, you twit).


I’m going to assume it will get better with other books in this series, and this one serves as an introduction to the series. Since I really do love the historical aspect I will stick with this series and see where it takes me. Historical mystery lovers will love the setting and theme of this book, the mystery part, not so much.

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review 2018-03-02 19:38
Olivia Forms a Band - Ian Falconer
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

To my knowledge, this is the first Olivia book I have read. I have heard of them and worked with a kid who enjoyed the show, so when I saw this in the Little Free Lending Library, I figured I'd give it a try.

I didn't really know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't this. While parts of the book were humorous, the story itself felt very disjointed. It starts out with Olivia making a band, but then she abandons the idea halfway through. While this is pretty typical of children (and many adults, for that matter), it made for kind of a weird book. The title seemed misleading. It's more like Olivia Form a Band and Then Does a Bunch of Other Random Stuff. 

Also, I can't lie, I was kind of creeped out by the mash-up illustrations. The insertion of photographs looked weird (and those freaking teeth in the lipstick scene are going to give me nightmares, thanks, Falconer!). 

I will say, I did appreciate how extensive the "noises" were in the text (PING, THUD, KINNK, POINNNGG). That took some creativity. 

Overall, this book didn't really live up to the hype for me. It was an okay read.
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