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text 2015-08-27 17:16
Tales Of Tinfoil: Stories Of Paranoia And Conspiracy is currently free on Amazon
Tales of Tinfoil: Stories of Paranoia and Conspiracy - Wendy Paine Miller,Lucas Bale,Michael Bunker,Eric Tozzi,Chris Pourteau,David Gatewood,Forbes West,Joseph E Uscinski,Peter Cawdron,Edward W. Robertson,Ernie Lindsey,Richard Gleaves,Jennifer Ellis,Nick Cole

One of my fave anthologies is currently free on Amazon.

Who really killed JFK? What happened in Roswell, New Mexico? Is Elvis still alive? Was the moon landing staged?

In this short story collection, today's top fiction authors pull back the curtain on the biggest conspiracies of all time. Explore the JFK assassination, Area 51, the moon landing, the surveillance state. Meet a French spy posing as Abraham Lincoln, play a video game designed by the CIA, watch "Suicide Mickey." Learn the truth about Adolf Hitler and Elvis Presley.

Twelve short stories, twelve conspiracy theories, twelve twisted rabbit holes.

Hold on to your hats.

Tales Of Tinfoil: Stories Of Paranoia And Conspiracy

With stories by:

Forbes West
Nick Cole
Ernie Lindsay
Wendy Paine Miller
Michael Bunker
Jennifer Ellis
Richard Gleaves
Chris Pourteau
Lucas Bale
Eric Tozzi
Peter Cawdron

Edited by David Gatewood ---> That´s the guy who messes up all the Hugh Howey books. He´s just that good. :-)

Source: www.amazon.com/Tales-Tinfoil-Stories-Paranoia-Conspiracy-ebook/dp/B00VMPROEM
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text 2015-03-09 21:42
Tales Of Tinfoil (cover reveal)

Tales Of Tinfoil: Stories of Paranoia and Conspiracy


Blurb: TBA

(apparently) Coming in May 2015

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review 2015-02-26 17:34
A Pair of Docks - Jennifer Ellis

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

That being said I must start off by saying that this was not a smooth read for me. At first I was slightly bored and finding myself drifting off thinking of other things. Somewhere around the 60% mark things started picking up and I found myself not only engrossed but at the end of the book I  rushed to Amazon and excitedly purchased the next book in the series. 

A Pair Of Docks is a really good read for young adults and even many old fogies like me. There are many many (too many in my opinion) references to physics terms and laws thrown into the lead character's inner dialogues that made it seem disjointed and forced. Abbey's intelligence was described as being massive and yet there are still many instances of the author telling us instead of showing us. To me this was a minor inconvenience and I loved the message to young girl readers regarding the lead heroine's strong character. The science of possible interspace travel, traveling multiple timelines and multiple futures seemed plausible and even the paranormal element didn't seem to detract from the very firm scientific foundation that was previously established. The writing is really very good and the world building and character development are excellent. All in all an entertaining YA read.

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review 2015-02-22 10:25
#ApocalypseWeird: Reversal by Jennifer Ellis
Apocalypse Weird: Reversal - Ellen Langas Campbell,Jennifer Ellis,Michael Corley

(Legal disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of ´Reversal´ from the author, Jennifer Ellis.)

The polar research station our main characters Sasha and Soren are working at with other researchers is your (un-?)typical dysfunctional workplace where different people are thrown together to work at a common goal. Soren as the caretaker of the station runs the show, and he is a bit of a papa bear, making sure that everyone is aware of the dangers surrounding them. Polar bears have become more blood thirsty over the years so shooting lessons are essential, or certain reminders what it takes to live in the Arctic. Until the world goes temporary dark and everyone blind.

There are different timelines at work which makes reading slightly confusing, at a minimum challenging, and with the fast paced action I found it not always easy to keep track at what is happening right now, or where and when. The Arctic and Antarctica are suddenly connected and can be traversed via a mysterious mist (which is completely normal, right?) and south is north or west or east, depending on what the non-functioning GPS declares at any given moment.

The temporary blindness they all suffer from leads to the claustrophic feeling of being trapped in an environment where everything and everyone is hostile to the point of murder. The closed space that is the research station makes this feeling even more prominent until things turn off and the Arctic itself becomes the place of showdowns. Where the first part is a bit of a character study in how not to interact with eachother, the following doesn´t allow anyone to pause for a minute to take a breath. Jets are falling from the sky, craters open up unexpectely in the earth and then there are agressive polar bears. And penguins. And demons.

The demons like Ice or Paul, short for pollution (which admittely made me giggle like a little girl) make a strong appearance. However, since the climate change debate is already heated (pun intended), I feel his mocking of what humankind does everything wrong feels too much like lecturing from a well-meaning but overly zealous person. The four new (environmental) horseman of the apocalypse is nothing but genius, though.

Only the side characters like Amber or Edie seems more like background noises. I had a harder time to really feel anything for them and troubles actually picturing them in my head. They play their parts accordingly, sure, but I didn´t find them in any way all that interesting.

Bloody URLs in the snow, and the crazy rants of Dr Midnite included, whom I suspect is maybe the key to the mystery that are the different apocalyptic worlds that make up Apocalpyse Weird. A fun addition to this already crazy world is Helga, who is a bit like the homeless dude on the street who constantly chants ´the end is coming´. Harmless, a bit scary but also too odd to look away. Helga is the only real person Soren and Sasha can reach on their radio in desperate need of a rescue team who leads them out of the place they are trapped in. They are cut off from the outside world otherwise and what is happening anywhere else is not known to them, even they know something has gone completely wrong. The world as they know it has turned literally and figuratively upside down.

Luckily Jennifer Ellis tones down the science part as much as possible so there is no real background knowledge needed to fully understand the aspects of climate change, the reversal of the poles, or what is happening with the statosphere, which may cause havoc as well to the earth.

And this might be an unfair comparison, but The Red King creeped me out but also made me smile due the interactions of the survivors, Texocalypse Now left me horrified. Reversal on the other side made me anxious and feeling claustrophopic. Which probably means I do better with zombies and marauding gangs than with polar bears and penguins. Different as Reversal is, it is certainly a nice and perfect fit to the Apocalypse Weird world, and there is some evil masterplan behind everything. That´s for sure.

At times I was reminded of the Robert Ludlum action thrillers I was reading as a teenager. Just imagine Jason Bourne getting chased by demons, instead of terrorists, from the Arctic to the Antarctica while making contact with polar bears and penguins.

To mix real world science with a heavy appearance of the supernatural certainly takes ovaries, and Jennifer Ellis does it well. Not quite my usual reading so I feel slightly disconnected, still wanting to see where everything is heading even I have no idea what is going on here.

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text 2015-01-30 11:02
Cover Reveal for #ApocalypseWeird Reversal by Jennifer Ellis


About Reversal:

Sasha Wood is thrilled to be spending six months at the isolated International Polar Research Station on Ellesmere Island investigating the resurgence of pack ice growth at the North Pole. Her research partner, Kyle, is surly and depressed that his climate change forecasts are being undermined by the dropping polar temperatures, but Soren, the station caretaker, and his pack of gorgeous sled dogs more than make up for Kyle’s bad moods and the appearance of a new and aggressive breed of polar bears. A storm one night changes everything, as Edie and Cal, a pair of astrophysicists researching shifts in the aurora borealis go missing and everyone wakes up blind.

It soon becomes apparent that they are cut off from the rest of the world, and no help is coming. When Vincent Robinson, the caretaker at the polar research station in Antarctica, walks out of the mist, Sasha and Soren know the world has been turned upside down, literally and figuratively.

Apocalypse Weird

Source: jenniferellis.ca/novels/#/reversal
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