You are either going to really get a kick out this book or hate it. Lindsey has put an enormous amount of energy into creating a strange and lighthearted dystopia. The world sucks, but everyone finds a way to make it work for themselves. It was tough going to at first, but sticking with the story was worth the effort. One of the main characters, “Brick” has created a language that no one understands, even you dear listener. Can that get annoying? You bet. But keep going and you will understand, eventually.
The plot is purposefully ridiculous. Three losers are bent on stealing the recipes to the wildly popular restaurant where they work(ed). But as the plot unfolds, you the listener, learn that Going Shogun is not really about that at all; it is love story and a bromance. Which clearly saves the book. This is a book about young people stuck in their parents’ nightmare society. How do they fit in, how can they make it their own? It is funny, and gently poignant. Something like Generation X in the 21st Century. Lindsey has clearly stuck his neck out, you will either bend forward and give him a kiss or take a whack with a sword.
The narration is by DJ Holte who does an outstanding job. All the characters are clearly differentiated. They sound like what you would expect. His range is wide and he brings a lighthearted dystopia to life without a flaw.
One can sense the possibility of a sequel or a series based on the characters or plot. There isn’t one as of this writing. But if you enjoy this book, you will likely want to continue on. Ernie Lidsey has a distinctive style and unique way of describing his imaginative worlds. Humor and dystopian science fiction do go together.
Audiobook provided for review by the narrator.