I guess it's a good thing that for once I finished a BL-opoly book in the afternoon, because the game gods had apparently decided that since we've been having so much fun with multiple hop, skip and jump rounds lately, why not just do another one?
For square #4 -- the first square the doubles I rolled dumped me on -- I decided to use another "cat" card and go with Saša Stanišić's How the Soldier Repairs the Grammophone: Technically, the cover of the German edition (both print and audio) also qualifies for this square's requirements, as it depicts a guy wearing a suit, but I need to do something about the novelty card menagerie that's beginning to accumulate in my pockets, so just in case, I'll treat this one as a case of "read whatever you like" and do something about my TBR (as well as checking off Bosnia and Herzegovina on my "Around the World" challenge)..
Then it's off to Berlin with another book that's been sitting on my TBR for way too long already -- Lili Grün's Alles ist Jazz -- and which will again allow me to kill two birds with one stone, as it is set in my home country (Germany), as required by this BL-opoly square's prompt, but was written by an Austrian, so I also get to check off Austria on my "Around the World" reading challenge.
Then the BL-opoly gods decided to gift me another novelty card (I suppose they must have concluded that I can't possibly be allowed to have fewer than four of them at any given time) ...
... and lastly I get to complete the "Lake House" sequence of squares, with yet another book that's been sitting on my TBR for way too long and which will allow me to check off yet another country on my "Around the World" challenge (Armenia) with Eve Makis's Spice Box Letters.
The moves, in sequence: