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review 2023-09-03 18:17
"Sekret sióstr" Lucinda Berry
Sekret sióstr - Lucinda Berry Hill

Thrillery psychologiczne uwielbiam jak Puchatek miód. A jeśli wychodzą spod pióra Lucindy Berry, to zaczytuję się w nich z pasją prawdziwego książkoholika. Autorka uzależnia już od pierwszych stron sprawiając, że czytelnik zostaje pochłonięty misternie utkaną fabułą oraz intrygującymi historiami głównych bohaterów.
Krystal i Nichole to przybrane siostry, które poznały się na jednej z farm, której właścicielka wzięła je pod swoje skrzydła. Nichole próbowała zabić swojego męża i trafia do szpitala psychiatrycznego. Krystal jest prawniczką i nie wyobraża sobie nie pomóc własnej siostrze. Kobieta brnie w życie swojej siostry. Przeprowadza prywatne śledztwo, a przy tym powraca do przeszłości, która została odcięta tragedią i kłamstwem.
Historię sióstr poznajemy dzięki dwóm narracjom - Krystal w czasie teraźniejszym, oraz Nichole dzięki której poznajemy wydarzenia z przeszłości. Przeszłości, która odbiła mocne piętno na życiu obu bohaterek, ale dzięki temu, że los skrzyżował ich drogi i stały się dla siebie najważniejszymi osobami, razem budowały lepszą przyszłość.
Autorka dawkuje emocje. Początkowo tempo akcji toczy się powoli. Dzięki temu jeszcze mocniej przeżywamy wydarzenia, które miały miejsce w życiu sióstr.
Wszystko w tej książce mi się podobało, chłonęłam te emocje jak gąbka wodę. Kreacje bohaterów wpasowały się jak puzzle, oddając spektrum uczuć, które pojawiają się u czytelnika. Dialogi, język, intrygi. Nigdy nie przewidziałabym takich zwrotów akcji. Polecam najmocniej.

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review 2021-08-25 00:00
Sands of Time (Mission: Russia #2) (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #41)
Sands of Time (Mission: Russia #2) (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #41) - Susan May Warren Actual Rating: 4.5

After reading Vicktor's story, I was excited to continue on with this series. I quickly picked up the sequel, but admit I wasn't convinced I'd enjoy Roman's story quite as much as Victor's. Not anything against Roman, I loved his role in In Sheep's Clothing as Victor's friend, and as a Christian who tried to do the right thing and was always there to support his friends along with David (Preach)'s help when issues arose that needed prayer or advice. He struck me as the fun more carefree one of the group, well if there is such a thing in a group of Russian FSB (formally KGB) members and American soldiers. But, still.... He's the one with the jokes and always trying to make light of a dark situation when his friend need the hope and a loyal companion.

That said, his story, and character, are drastically different from Vicktor's. Whereas Vita is the 'tall, dark, and handsome, Russian cop, take no prisoners type tough-guy who things women are either cursed or all crazy, and is hard set on revenge to atone for past sins, with or without the help of his Believing friends. Roman is different. Coming from a very different background, Roman is just trying to prove himself worth and good enough as a man of God, trying desperately to avoid his father's failures, while struggling to find his place in God's will in the harsh Siberian reality.

Much to my surprise, I ended up loving this one! More so even than book 1, which blew me away and snuck up on my toward the end! I loved seeing Roman and Sarai's story unfold, but also loved how the truths they discovered, about themselves, each other, and God's will were relevant in my life today, and how they even had the chance to display their newfound knowledge before the story ended, which was a satisfying addition to the story.

I also must mention Genye and Anya! I enjoyed meeting them early on in the book, and loved their role more as the story plays out. They serve several purposes, missionaries, mentors, friends, and a sort of adopted/found family for Sarai for a time along with others. I loved their wisdom and guidance, from Genye's silent knowing and protective kindness, to Anya's talk in the kitchen and her guidance as a medical missionary alongside Sarai.

I also loved seeing the duel POV as Roman and Sarai's relationship grows and develops. I always love duel POV for romances and similar stories, but this one was extra important and enjoyable amidst all the twists and surprises, sometimes even the character themselves made a new discovery of self realization that changes things in how they react to each other in the future, and I loved seeing that progression, and the thought processes that lead to those new turns!
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review 2021-08-18 00:00
In Sheep's Clothing (Mission: Russia #1) (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #25)
In Sheep's Clothing (Mission: Russia #1) (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #25) - Susan May Warren Actual Rating: 4.5

Quick Thoughts: How have I never heard or seen this series anywhere? 2005!!! God works in mysterious and wonderous ways indeed! Right when I needed it, and the reminder, and when my heart has been crying out for the persecuted Church, especially in Russia!
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review 2021-05-12 17:27
Nos4a2 - Joe Hill
NOS4A2 - Joe Hill
I was excited and anxious to read this book cause I'm such a huge fan of his dad. I didn't want to have any notions in my head and tried to forget his dad all together.... but look at him though!!
It was a big book, but oh, so epic!
I was enamored. This Christmas-like setting at times, not what you would think of when thinking of horror. Somehow I might not look at Christmas the same again. This story was just so different from anything I have ever read. And that's a good thing. Especially reading as much as I do.
I had to know what happened to this family. They seemed cursed to me. I loved how the book wrapped up too. I wasn't ready for a sequel and thankfully, there was no room to make one. Everything came together better than I could have hoped for.
I have a few more books waiting for me. Can't wait to get to them. If you like intense and thrilling reads, get this one. Don't be scared of its' size... the pages go fast.
Source: www.fredasvoice.com/2021/05/nos4a2-joe-hill-17.html
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review 2021-03-11 12:22
Book review- Hot for Love (Bradens & Montgomerys: Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls) by Melissa Foster
Hot for Love – The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls) - Melissa Foster
A beautiful story with beautiful characters from beginning to end that will capture your heart as you read.
I really enjoyed the storyline of cowgirl Trixie building a new therapy miniature horse business and the full support from her best friend and horse trainer Nick and everyone around them gave her to make it a success. Nick and Trixie have been great friends over the years and their attraction to each other has been growing yet neither one saying anything to the other. They are both such lovely characters but Nick is a hard nut to crack, he's sensitive and keeps his emotions deep, he likes his own space and way of life, but if anyone can give him the push he needs it's Trixie. In fact, Nick pretty much needs a push to realize his own feelings at times, along with portions of jealousy that works wonders. Once they get together the heat from the kitchen intensies throughout the story, and it's HOT!! My favorite part is when Nick decides to go public, well basically I loved all of book as if I was watching everything unfold right before my eyes, but that was powered by emotion that really struck with me.
Nick and Trixie have a special magic that warms you as you read, the surrounding characters and adorable animals bring even more enjoyment to the story, there's full on laughter, fun, sexiness and emotion to be had with this heartwarming and refreshing read from Melissa.
Source: beckvalleybooks.blogspot.com/2021/03/book-review-hot-for-love-bradens.html
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