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review 2015-09-11 21:27
Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life (Unabridged) - Cassandra Harwood,Justine Picardie
Why did I read it? I've always had a fascination with this self-made woman, and I remember reading a review of the paperback version of this book on a blog a few years back, and thinking I must read it. When I saw it was available in audio form, I took the opportunity to select it for my commute.
What's it about? It's a factual biography of Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, better known as Coco Chanel, the orphaned girl who rose to be one of the most famous names in fashion, if not the most famous; credited for the creation of simple, elegant, comfortable designs, most notably the "little back dress" now considered an essential item in any wardrobe.
What did I like? It was a book focussed on revealing truth and facts. I did learn some things about Chanel I had not known before. There were attempts at avoiding speculation. The audio version downloaded from Audible was clear, and without fault.
What didn't I like about this book? Where to start? This audio book annoyed me immensely, and I think it may have started with the narrator, Cassandra Harwood, whose voice droned through each sentence making it hard to concentrate on the information being presented. I don't speak French, but I can only hope the times she employed that language she did better than with the English, when words were mispronounced (e.g. subsidising, instead of subsiding) and there was no attempt at emphasis, or any kind of tonal variance in her speech. Had the text been more interesting, perhaps her voice might not have grated as much, alas ...
The book was full of facts, but much of the book seemed to stray into the lives of those around Chanel. At one point, it seemed as those quite a few pages had been dedicated to the wife of a lover and, try as I might, I failed to grasp as to why this information had been necessary to the book, as it apparently had no bearing on Chanel's life itself. I think that was the focus of my dislike of the book: very little on the woman herself, with far too much about friends, family, business associates, and acquaintances. I felt the book really could have been a lot shorter, with the cutting of the extraneous information.
Would I recommend it? I wanted to enjoy this book, I really though I would, but I didn't, and I feel any reader would think their time better spent on other books.
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review 2013-10-02 08:20

Tworzenie to sztuka przekraczania konwenansów. W każdym rzemiośle artystycznym, niezależnie, czy to malarstwo, rzeźba, pisarstwo czy muzyka jest wąskie grono osób, które okazały się niesamowitymi wizjonerami, z nieograniczoną wyobraźnią i umiejętnością wyprzedzania czasów. W branży odzieżowej, która przecież też jest formą twórczości moim zdaniem tylko jedna osoba zasługiwała na owacje na stojąco, przecierając szlaki tym pozostałym. Najpierw jest Coco Chanel, a potem długo, długo nic… „Coco Chanel. Legenda i życie” autorstwa Justine Picardie to biografia inna niż zwykłe. Może jest to związane z tym, że Coco była postacią współczesną i z w miarę świeżej historii, może dlatego, że była tak bardzo fascynująca. Autorka nie siliła się na zbytnie wybielanie lub krytykowanie projektantki – opisała jej życie takie, jakie było, z wzlotami i upadkami, z rozpaczą i szczęściem, z pięknem i brzydotą. Czyta się ją jednym tchem. Z każdą kolejną stroną odkrywamy kolejne smaczki, kolejne historie, które składają się na legendę. Prosty i bardzo obiektywny język, bez zbędnego oceniania i spychania czytelnika na opiniotwórcze twory, to coś, co uwielbiam. Nie ma nic gorszego niż biografia, która napisana jest według subiektywnych sympatii twórcy. Ta pozycja dodatkowo wzbogacona jest w ogromną ilość zdjęć, rysunków, przedruków, które dopełniają całość, przenosząc nas w tajemniczy świat Chanel… Książka niewątpliwie jest warta uwagi, jak i sam jej „podmiot”…

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Source: marudzenie.pl/justine-picardie-coco-chanel-legenda-i-zycie
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review 2012-04-04 00:00
Daphne - Justine Picardie Daphne - Justine Picardie Who doesn't love a juicy literary mystery? What happened to that poem? Who slept with whom? And really, why does she write about incest? Is it a ghost? And what's with him? It's no surprise that many books have been written about any literary mystery.This book is somewhat like Possession, but not as good. Picardie uses three characters - [author:Daphne du Maurier|2001717. Symington, and a grad student to explore the Brontes and who the Bronte brother was, you know that bloke who died.Told partly in letter and partly in 3rd/1st person narrative, the story is somewhat predictable, but the language is compelling. What is extremely intersting is how Picardie weaves themes, motifs, and ideas from both Du Maurier and the Brontes into the book. The reader is inspired to read more of both Du Maurier and the Brontes, and in all this isn't a bad thing. An enjoyable, if not overly deep, read.
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review 2010-09-27 00:00
Daphne - Justine Picardie Great fictional story re: the life/marriage of Daphne du Maurier. The book was able to have a bit of gothicness which has made her infamous.
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review 2009-09-08 00:00
Daphne - Justine Picardie Off to Laura in Brazil next.This is trying to be for du Maurier what Cunningham was for Woolf and it just don't dust the same mantlepiece. Interesting snippets in there though, for those of us who are of this bent.Re-reading some sections that have been mulling around the noddle
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