It's true that Fates drew me in with its gorgeous cover. I mean look at that thing of beauty! It called to me. It held the promise of myth mixed with adventure. Little did I know that between these pages was a veritable labyrinth of a story. One that, no matter how much more I read, I wasn't able to find my way out of. This wasn't a fun read, my friends. Not at all. It was maddeningly confusing, and I am honestly surprised that I made it to the end. I did make it to the end though, as I had promised a review for this book. So please pardon the rambling below.
To be completely honest, this book had potential at the beginning. The reader stumbles upon Corinthe as she is fulfilling her duty as an Executor. As the one who makes sure that Fate takes its proper course. I was thrilled with this idea. Greek myth speaks of The Fates often. Of those very powerful beings who hold the very existence of every person on Earth in their hands. Why wouldn't that extend to our every day lives? It made sense to me that there would be someone here to make sure that everything went according to plan. It fits perfectly with the idea of free will vs. fate. So yes, that I loved.
Then things took a very odd turn. Suddenly Luc was in Corinthe's path, and nothing made sense anymore. These two fall in insta-love and, worse yet, the reader never really gets to know them because they hardly have time to get to know one another. I never felt anything for either of these characters. No hate, or anger, or even happiness when things went right. I felt like I was stuck in the middle of a story that had the right to do whatever it took to make it to the ending. Corinthe needs to kill Luc to get home? Okay. We still need romance though, so let's have him fall head over heels for her for no reason. Also, because this book is of the Paranormal persuasion, let's add in gnomes, hornets, and all manner of other things but not explain any of them at all. Sound good? That's this book.
Which basically meant that the first third of the book was slow, as it was building up to something bigger. The middle was confusing as all get out, and I had so many questions that I couldn't keep them all straight in my mind. Finally, as I neared the ending, everything just somehow magically wrapped up. I never had any of my questions answered. I never met half of the beings who were referred to in this book. Most frustrating of all, I didn't even feel anything at an ending that should have made me feel at least a little bit sad. What's a reader to do?
Apparently this is the first in a series, but I won't be reading past this. When it comes to first books, I'm generally pretty forgiving. I'll let a lot slide in the name of future installments. Fates, though? Too much left undone. Too many plot holes. Not enough interest left at the end.