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review 2019-12-31 20:50
Contemporary Romance
D Is For Dani's Baby - Lisa Jackson

D Is For Dani's Baby is a contemporary romance by Lisa Jackson.  Ms. Jackson has supplied readers with a well-written book.  Dani and Brand's story is a tangle of two dysfunctional families.  And a baby Dani gave up at birth.  I enjoyed reading this book and look forward to reading more from Lisa Jackson soon.  D Is For Dani's Baby is book 4 of the Love Letters Series but can be read as a standalone.  This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.


I read a print copy of this book.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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review 2019-08-27 02:08
Nie wirst du vergessen (Befriedigend)
Nie wirst du vergessen - Lisa Jackson

Lisa Jackson

Nie wirst du vergessen



Autorin: Lisa Jackson zählt zu den amerikanischen Spitzen-Autorinnen, deren Romane regelmäßig die Bestseller-Listen der „New York Times", der „USA Today" und der „Publishers Weekly" erobern. Ihre Hochspannungs-Thriller wurden in fünfundzwanzig Länder verkauft. Auch in Deutschland sind ihre Bücher immer wieder auf der Spiegel-Bestseller-Liste vertreten: Nach den Erfolgen von „Zwillingsbrut" und „Desire" gelang mit „S-Spur der Angst" der Sprung in die Top 10. Lisa Jackson lebt in Oregon. (Quelle: Droemer Knaur)


Der Ex-Mann von Lauren Regis ist vor ziemlich genau 13 Monaten, mit den zwei Kindern abgehauen. Privatdetektive und Anwälte, die sie bisher mit dem Fall beauftragt hatte, lieferten keine Ergebnisse. Deshalb wendet sich Lauren an den Anwalt Zachary Winters, der ihr mehrfach empfohlen wurde. Allerdings lässt dieser mit einer Antwort auf sich warten, weshalb Lauren entschließt, ihn einfach in seiner Kanzlei zu besuchen. Mit Glück gelingt es ihr auch, Zachary zur Rede zu stellen, woraufhin er verspricht, sich den Fall anzuschauen und dann zu entscheiden. Für Lauren ist dies ein neuer Hoffnungsschimmer.


Die Story von “Nie wirst du vergessen” wird in insgesamt 13 Kapiteln erzählt. Zu Beginn eines jeden neuen Kapitels ist der erste Buchstabe großgeschrieben. 

Das Buch beginnt an der Stelle, wo die Kinder schon lange verschwunden sind. Man bekommt die Informationen also erst nach und nach, im Laufe der Story erzählt. Dies funktioniert bei “Nie wirst du vergessen” auch recht gut, sodass man bis zum Schluss, mit immer neuen Informationen versorgt wird. Gerade das Geheimnis um Zacharys Vergangenheit, sollte dabei für Spannung sorgen. Leider gelingt das nicht immer 100 % gut. Allgemein die fehlende Spannung, ist für einen Thriller nicht sonderlich fördernd. Stattdessen entwickelt sich “Nie wirst du vergessen” recht schnell zu einer Liebesgeschichte, zwischen Protagonist und Protagonistin. Leider wirkt diese sehr aufgesetzt und nicht wirklich authentisch. Beide kennen sich kaum, sprechen aber schon von Liebe und das passt nicht wirklich zu beiden Charakteren. Was die beiden dann aber wieder sympathisch macht, ist das Schiksal das beide verbindet. Beide haben Schmerzen, weil sie wichtige Personen “verloren” haben. Das führt dazu, dass beide sich verstehen und helfen können. Und diese Entwicklung merkt man im Laufe der Geschichte auch deutlich.

Zum Ende hin rechnet man eigentlich damit, dass endlich die fehlende Spannung aufkommen müsste, doch stattdessen gibt es eine Überraschende, wenn auch etwas zu aufgesetzt wirkende Wendung. Dies ist aber dann auch schon wieder etwas zu glücklich und unrealistisch. Trotzalledem hat mich das Ende dann doch an einigen Punkten berührt.


Cover: Das Cover von “Nie wirst du vergessen” ist vollkommen in Blau gehalten (Hier scheinen die damaligen Reihen von Mira wohl alle gleich gestaltet gewesen zu sein). Auf einer kleinen Postkarte sieht man das Meer und einen Sonnenuntergang. Hierbei handelt es sich scheinbar, um eine Szene aus dem Buch. Dies ist auch das Einzigste am Cover, das im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt steht. Über der Postkarte steht der Titel (deutlich kleiner als die Angabe der Autorin) und die Autorin selbst.

Insgesamt ist das Cover recht schlicht gehalten und überzeugt mich nicht wirklich. Es erfüllt seinen Zweck, hätte aber ruhig mehr sein dürfen.


Fazit: Meistens hat es einen Grund, wieso Bücher nicht in neuen Auflagen zu bekommen sind. Bei “Nie wirst du vergessen” wundert mich es mich also nicht, dass es momentan in keinem Verlag zu finden ist. Lisa Jackson steht für lesenswerte Bücher, allerdings ist “Nie wirst du vergessen” da wohl eine Ausnahme. Als Thriller versprochen, baut sich bis zum Ende leider nur wenig Spannung auf. In einigen Momenten gibt es zwar einen kleinen Lichtschimmer, allerdings erlischt dieser auch recht schnell wieder. Am Ende wurde ich nur mäßig unterhalten und komme so auf 3/5 Sterne.


Klappentext: Vor über einem Jahr sind Lauren Regis Kinder von ihrem Ex-Mann entführt worden, und noch immer hat sie keine Spur, kein Lebenszeichen von ihnen. In ihrer Verzweiflung wendet sie sich an den für seine unkonventionellen Methoden bekannten Anwalt Zachary Winters. Geplagt von seinen eigenen Dämonen, lehnt er es zunächst ab, Lauren zu helfen. Doch Lauren lässt nicht locker, bis sie schließlich gemeinsam eine Spur verfolgen, die sie nicht nur den Kindern, sondern auch einander näher bringt. Aber diese Nähe bleibt nicht unbeobachtet und droht, ihren ganzen Plan zunichte zu machen. 


Autor/-in: Lisa Jackson

Titel: Nie wirst du vergessen

Verlag: Mira

Genre: Thriller

Seiten: 304

Preis: Taschenbuch: Variiert

Erstveröffentlichung: 2007

ISBN: 978-3899416282

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review 2019-06-28 21:05
Paranoid - Lisa Jackson

Paranoid by Lisa Jackson is the story of Rachel Gaston, who lives in Edgewater Oregon with her son and daughter. She is divorced from Detective Cade Ryder but they do have an amicable relationship if only for the kids. 
Twenty years ago, Rachel along with some classmates was in an abandoned fish factory with pellet air guns when hers was replaced with a real gun, unbeknownst to her. When someone jumps out she panics and shoots, finds out that the person she shot was her half brother Luke. 
Despite counseling Rachel still feels that it was her fault that her brother is dead and blames herself after all of these years. A high school reunion is being planned, she feels that there are objects being moved in her house, whiffs of cologne and cigarette smoke is in the air. She is being tailed and feels that someone is watching her home.
Now that there are classmates being murdered her paranoia increases. 
Her ex knows that Rachel has issues but he is not sure whether to believe her or not as to her paranoia. Not only that, her daughter has been sneaking out at night to be with a guy whom Rachel is not fond of. So all of these things come to a horrifying conclusion that I did not see coming.
I had not read a Lisa Jackson novel in quite a few years and I am not sure why I haven't as I do remember enjoying them. This one was no exception. This book is character driven and is believable. I love the writing as it was pretty suspenseful and I did not see the ending coming but I like to think that the ending is such that there is another book coming with the same characters.
I think that if you enjoy a good psychological thriller that you can't go wrong with the novel. 

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review 2019-06-27 12:47
Great Story and Characters
Paranoid - Lisa Jackson

Violet was having another glass of wine since her husband Leonard was out of town. Her three furbabies- dogs- were with her. She was talking to Honey- one of her dogs. Leonard was the reason she moved past the trauma of the night of Luke Hollander’s death twenty years ago.She’d been there and seen Luke die.  She should have never went to the cannery. Violet and Leonard had been married fifteen years. They had left Edgewood but their dreams didn’t pan out and they returned and Leonard went to work in his father's furniture store. Lila wanted her to join the reunion committee and she refused she wasn’t going to the reunion. Mercedes Pope- who was a reporter- wanted to interview her about Luke’s death for some kind of retro piece in the paper. No way. Violet wondered how her life had become such a mess. Than Violets three dogs started barking, she grabbed her gun and started to the door, she got the door slammed in her face and her nose was broken. She tried to get away from her attacker. She was being forced backwards something was put over her eyes she couldn’t pull off. Than she was shot down to the foyer and died. Rachael awoke from the nightmare that destroyed her sleep two to three times a week the same nightmare.  At least she hadn't woken her kids Harper-seventeen - or Dylan-fifteen or their dog Reno. It was on this very date twenty years ago she had lied to her parents saying she was staying at Lila’s than instead sneaked off to the old cannery. She hadn’t wanted to go but Lila said she had to talk to Luke- Rachel’s half brother- and didn’t want to go alone. So Rachael went. Biggest mistake of her life for she had killed Luke. Or had she? Tonight was the last meeting of the reunion committee meeting even with it being this tragic date. Lila had said it was the only day that fit. Rachael knew Lila had never gotten over Luke as she had given birth to his son Lucas just before Christmas after Luke had been murdered. Lila had moved on and married Cade’s father. Cade had been Rachael’s husband but he had cheated on her with his partner Kayleigh and she had divorced him. That was the biggest mistake of Cade’s life as he still reached for Rachael when he awoke - he still loved her. Rachael had seen as shrink since Cade walked out. Or she pushed him out. She thought about how her kids were becoming strangers as most teenagers do. Rachael jogged to the cannery every morning- her personally imposed penance for taking her brother’s life. Cade was a cop and had went to Rachels- used to be his home also- to personally tell her about Violet’s muder. But she wasn’t there but he sensed something was off and saw the gate was open -had someone been in the house?  Cade had cheated on Rachael with Kayleigh but he ke still loved Rachael and they both knew it had been a mistake even if they hadn’t actually slept together. Kayleigh had been Cade’s partner and she had fallen in love with Cade but he transferred to Edgewood police department. Annessa had went to school with Rachael and is found hanging in the chapel by the old school by Harper and Xander whens she had snuck out to be with him at his apartment and they heard a woman cry for help. Harper called 911 but Annessa had died before they got there. HSe had also had blue tape over her eyes . Rachel had also got an unexplained text saying “ I forgive you”. Cade thought of the fact that Annessa had also testified in Rachael behalf after he had went to the crime scene and picked up his daughter. He had gotten a call to go to the old school and his daughter and her friend had found the woman.Anessa had been murdered within the week of Violet’s murder. 

This was a great psychological thriller and I loved it. I loved the plot and pace. My heart went out to Cade and Rachael, a few stolen kisses and a little playing around and the marriage was over. Cade still loved Rachael and found out too late how much. Rachael for all she went through and it was not what it appeared. I did n’t want to put his down and i was on vacation so wasn’t easy to read as much as normal. I loved the ending there was hope there. I also changed my mind a time or two on who was the murderer before finally realizing the truth. Also who the person talking to the therapist. What a book. I loved the characters and all the twists and turns and I highly recommend it.

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review 2018-12-12 16:13
SEASON'S READINGS Santa's On His Way anthology


Santa's on His WaySanta's On His Way anthology
By Lisa Jackson, Maisey Yates, Stacy Finz, Nicole Helm

What the Cowboy Wants for Christmas: Maisey YatesMeg, Charlie, and Noah all met as teens living in the same foster home. Meg fell instantly in love with Charlie for the last thirteen years she's waited for him, waited to be old enough, waited for him to get a good job, waited for him to come home from New York but this year she decided to stop waiting especially after finding him in bed with another woman. Noah has been a constant in Meg's life and has been in love with her for just as long and finally this year is the year he has his chance to finally show Meg how he feels.

Overall, it was a really nice and steamy read with lots of emotion. Meg looks back on her life and sees things differently than she use too and once she gets all that figured out everything falls into place.

Snowed In: Stacy Finz
My favorite of the book! I absolutely love Glory Junction. As soon as I read in the last Glory Junction book the animosity between Rachel and Boden I knew this was going to be great. Rachel Johnson left her big city corporate lawyer job to pursue her dream of being a baker. Now she owns a fantastic bakery and is looking to expand and she knows just the place. Boden Farmer turned the tired old bar into a gastro pub and he has plans to expand himself but in the meantime he's working the bar for parties which brings him in close proximity to Rachel. They are both prepping for the Christmas Day wedding when they get snowed in. With no distractions standing in their way they finally drop their walls low enough to let each other in but their is still the matter that they both want the same location for their business.

Overall, I loved this one. It's a quick and easy read with funny situations and loveable characters. Rachel has been burned once before so she's hesitant to let anyone else in it takes a grand gesture from Boden to show her he's worth the risk. 

A Cowboy Wedding for Christmas: Nicole Helm
Lindsay Tyler dreamed of leaving her hometown behind and she did she left after high school and vowed never to come back. Cal Barton thought he was enough for Lindsay, that she would stay for him and when she left town she broke his heart. After six years of living life on her own Lindsay is homesick she's had her time to grow up and discover who she really is and that person belongs with her family. When her brother gets engaged and she comes home for the wedding she's staying home for good. Now she just has to make it through the wedding at Cal's Christmas Tree Ranch without falling back in love with him.

Overall, this was a nice emotional read about how sometimes to need to be apart and discover who you are away from the comforts of home to really appreciate the place where you belong. 

A Baby For Christmas: Lisa Jackson
1995 Annie McFarlane is newly divorced when her husband's girlfriend ends up pregnant. After discovering she may never be able to conceive and then her husband leaving Annie was having a horrible year. 1996 Liam O'Shaughnessy needs to find the real killer of his boss before he gets convicted of murder his only lead is the woman who claimed she saw him there but she's disappeared but he's found her sister. Annie found solace in a small house in the middle of nowhere looking after an older couple ranch. Her plan was to stay a few more days before going to visit her brother and his family but late one night she discovers a baby on her front step with a note "For you Annie". The next night Liam shows up at her door claiming the baby is his and demands to know where her sister, the baby's mother, is but Annie has no idea and with a blizzard blowing in they are stuck together to work it out.
Overall, this one fell short. I love Lisa Jackson's older stuff and this feels like it's only half a book. It feels like there is so much missing from this story. I love the idea of it and the plot and if there is a full version of this story out there I want to read it but this as is is lacking.   



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