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review 2019-07-04 01:30
Breaking Danger - Lisa Marie Rice

My somewhat nitpicky brain kept getting bogged down by details


The series is somewhat of an A-Team meets Resident Evil with a side order of Doom, only with sex. The virus was created to make super soldiers rather than an attempt to cure a kid. Doesn't really matter as it backfired.


Books 2 and 3 take place over about a week. At the end of book 2, the villain has taken his latest iteration of the serum, and unwittingly unleashed a virus. The trouble with this is that the h from book 2 gets an email from h from *this book* saying she has 200 doses of a vaccine. Since he'd just come up with the idea of a virus as a vector like, a day or two before...how would they have *any* vaccine, let alone 200 doses of it???


In the previous book, right as the villain lost his mind, he killed his financial backer. Nobody saw this - or saw the body - yet they knew somehow that he was dead??

The h in *this* book ran up to his office, saw nobody, and grabbed the case of vaccines that was just..sitting there? Did the guy's body magically turn into a large insulated suitcase? He wasn't bitten so he couldn't have been infected.


Now... about *this* particular book. It's good really. As a standalone, I'd have enjoyed it immensely. It's just that somewhere along the line, details got forgotten and since I'd just read the two previous books, that's hard to ignore.


The H, twitterpated at a picture of the h, raced as quickly as he could to fetch her - and the vaccines. He managed to arrive at her apartment door where she's been variously observing how the virus affected the infected, and having her own private pity party. Of course, the first thing he does after she yanks him into her apartment, is bone her. That taken care of, they - together with the rest of the gang via his hi-tek toys - plan on an escape. Naturally, the escape plan is blown to hell via a ruptured gas main so plan b. They get out, find their way to an isolated B&B...and here I twitch a bit as they decide to use the owners' quarters instead of a guest room. I mean really? You just slept in used bedding (and did other things) when there were guest rooms right up the stairs?


Then they take the owner's offroad vehicle to get to the home base. Goes great - right up until someone at the home base fails to deactivate the explosives in the approach road and manages to cause them to wreck. Oh, and a group of recently infected attack, and the H (who, in spite of having a case of 200 vaccines, never seems to have thought to maybe use one on himself and the h??) gets bitten. The h's woo-woo power is that she's a healer, so she cures him.


As an aside, it seems like every book had the h having a NDE, and the H using their speshul connection to bring her back to life. I have a long standing dislike of things like that, and while the H/h are in fact, couples when it happens in this series, it still irritates me.

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review 2019-07-02 21:49
I Dream of Danger - Lisa Marie Rice

How does one go from a 4 to a 3? Two reasons.


one - the sequelitis was strong with this one. Seems like every time a character reappeared, we were reminded of their importance in this tale. I mean; I just read the first book. I didn't need reminding repeatedly how the captain and the other three near-invalids had been tortured, experimented on, and ultimately rescued. Yet the reminders were there, at least twice. The villain's purpose in life was told more than once as well.


two - for all that the h was smart, she was also a dingbat. I don't do dingbat. She did come to her senses after he had a come to jesus moment with her, but there's still that dingbatitis.


Ok, the story goes that at the tender age of 7(?), she found a boy in her back yard. Her father took the kid to the hospital, and later took him in. There's 6(?) years difference between them. About the time the boy turned 18, he noticed one day that she had boobs. Unfortunately, dad noticed that he noticed, and sent him away with a duffel bag full of clothes and $25 grand (I winced at that - a kid with that much cash on him? Ack!). He joined the army. In the meantime, dad began showing signs of altzheimers.


5 years later, he reads the father's obituary and goes back to pay his respects. By this time, he's a Ranger. Heroine has spent the past 5 years in limbo, playing nurse. The medical expenses have cleaned out the family coffers, the house is now mortgaged... He spends the night, and is woken early the next AM by a text that a mission is going down and he needs to be back at the base by midnight. He's not allowed to tell anyone other than a wife of this, but leaves the h a note saying he'll be back. He takes the time to order up a buttload of groceries, pays the funeral bill, and makes plans to transfer his savings, but he doesn't do this.


Heroine wakes up later, wanders around the house, and until the food is delivered, assumes he'll be back. At that point, she goes off to her room to mope, packs up everything, and vanishes.


10 years later... she's in trouble, mentally calls for help (more on that later), and after he rescues her, gives him shit for abandoning her.


Of course after she finally gets over herself, they go on a mission to see if they can rescue her friend.


In the meantime... the villain takes himself out by virtue of being too smart for his own good and injecting himself with a viral form of the performance enhancing serum he's been working on.


The issue with the h is that besides the obvious - if he's in the military, his ass belongs to Uncle Sam - she astral projects and has been spying on him for the 5 years after he "disappeared". She knows he's military and suspects special forces. She even asks him, which causes him a great deal of consternation. So his disappearing the next day... she could have figured out what happened by spying on him again. But no; she did the whole drama queen thing. Then, after he went into town, took out 4 men to rescue her, even though he's a wanted man and in hiding, she gives him shit. And after he tells her he went back, after he tells her about the mission, after he tells her he left a fricken illegal note, she doesn't want to deal with this right now. I wanted, at that moment, to reach through the pages and bitch slap her back into kindergarten. He'd been looking for her for 10 years. She'd changed her name. <mutter>

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review 2019-07-01 20:53
Heart of Danger - Lisa Marie Rice

Ahhhh... So nice to read a good story written by someone with a decent command of the English language. As near as I can tell, this is a futuristic, though not far into the future (they have some very advanced tech).


The h, as you come to find out, reads people by touch. She's also a scientist and is doing research - she thinks - on dementia patients. Only, one of the patients is not exactly what he seems, and she picks this up.


The story starts out with her stranded on the side of a mountain, her electronics all taken out by an EMP, and a blizzard outside. She's on a mission to find the H. Shortly after this, the H collects her and takes her to his secret community. Over the course of the next however many pages (and 3 days) they get to know each other as well as plan a rescue mission for said patient...who was the leader of the H's group prior to a mission that went sideways.


They do successfully get him (and the other 3 of their team they thought were dead) out of the lab, the h is killed by a stunner...and in a bit of weird woo woo, brought back by the H.


Really, this reads more like the Elizabeth Jennings type of writing than of LMR. There are moments where you get male hysteria (LMR has an odd way of writing heroes as if they're hysterical about their ding dongs in relation to the heroines.) but they're a lot briefer than I'd expect. And the woo woo bits were...out there. Still very readable.

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review 2018-05-18 04:45
Great first two chapters
Dangerous Passion - Lisa Marie Rice

Standing in the shadows in the cold of a Manhattan winter or the steamy furnace of a Manhattan summer for an hour or two a month, without his bodyguards, without any security whatsoever, for a glimpse of a woman…it was madness. 

The beginning of this was crazy good. The suspense, danger, and action was gripping. Then the story started to become the hero constantly talking about how the heroine is not like any other woman and his fantasy of banging her. We don't get a sex scene until the second half, which shocked me because this is categorized as erotica but the constant fantasizing by the hero and then the second half focus on sex more than earn that category. 

I wanted more action because the author wrote it so well. The villain was good, the hero's dark background was good, and I could even handle the very good girl but,

It had also been clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra, because she didn’t need it. Her breasts were perfect as they were.

No. She's sweet, amazing, no make-up, perfect no-dyed shade hair, amazing artistic talent, etc, etc, but no to the perfect breasts not needing a bra to look "perfect". I can sustain my disbelief only so far. Really though, I just couldn't with the perfect all other women are scum heroine, as viewed by the hero.

The sex didn't grip me because I didn't "know" the characters enough. Great first two chapters, though.

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text 2018-05-17 21:45
Reading Update: 20%
Dangerous Passion - Lisa Marie Rice

She straightened and looked him full in the face, wincing, expecting a monster, expecting to see brutality and savagery. What she saw instead was a weary kind of gentleness and what looked an awful lot like remorse. “I’m so sorry.”His deep voice was low as he wrapped a huge hand around her arm. “For everything. But now we must go.”

Wild horses couldn't have pulled me away from these first two chapters.

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