Not anywhere near as good as The Hunger Games and the ending was a bit too happily ever after, with lots of love and feelings floating around for my taste but other wise not bad.
The main character was a bit iffy, but the rest where pretty great. Even the depraved insane's one's where well written.
The Island was great and somewhat original - the suffering, frozen section, the way the drones behaved and the wall, was i believe unique and really interesting. The rest was pretty much a take off from 4 or 5 different books that i have read in the past, which isnt always a bad thing when its done so well it out shines the original, unfortunately that was not the case in this instance. So i cant give this book more than 3 stars, it was good and i did enjoy it, but it wasnt great. plus Alenna had the worst habit of repeating herself, making promises and breaking them and worst of all INSTA-LOVE. I fucking hate insta-love.
Especially between teenagers, being an official adult these days and having studied a bit on teenagers insane emotions, i think the reason i hate it so is because while at the time it can be fierce and incredibly strong their emotions also tend to be fleeting, and while they have this epic strong love now, give it a few years, even a year or two and their unlikely to still be just as in-love. typically when one goes from an action packed life threatening life style to a chillaxed one - of course this isnt always the case and my last example apply's to adults as well. this just seems to be the common out come.
anyways i think i've gotten a bit off track, lol.
Will i be reading the next book?
Probably not, I've read many better versions of this book, but hey you never know.
Who would i recommend to?
Young teenagers new to this genre, whom have yet to read 'The hunger games, Divergent, Outpost or Legend' series.
Love the cover though.