I'm glad to be finally finished. That book felt like it took forever to read. If it hadn't been a More Historical Than Fiction read I probably would have dropped it. Maybe I should have dropped it. Oh well.
It's not that it's a bad book or anything; I just couldn't get into it. I'm not sure why I struggled so much with it, but the dialogue seemed stilted and I was kind of bored by it. I know I wasn't supposed to be bored but I just couldn't seem to care about any of it. I also had trouble picturing the climax scene with Herrick. It just didn't make sense, physically, to me.
Shakespeare blocks Herrick's blow with his left arm, then brings his right arm around and strikes him on the back of the head with the hilt of his sword. They're of a height, so to accomplish this would require him swing his sword around in such a way as I find terribly inefficient. I just can't get it to work out in my head.
I feel that based on the subject matter, this should have been a nail-biting, riveting read, and it wasn't.
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