After a lifetime of people telling him that they knew what was best for him and what his future was going to be, it was wonderful to hear someone say that it was really all up to him. - Chapter 7
When rumors are reported as fact for a long-enough period of time, people eventually lose the ability to tell the difference. - Chapter 10
All young boys get scared from time to time. Even the brave ones. - Chapter 15
Accidental Hero is about a young boy (Jack Blank) who has grown up in an orphanage not knowing anything about his past. One day, he finds out that his favorite comic book heroes are actually real. And that he comes from a place called the Imagine Nation. Thus starts a great adventure filled with superheroes and villains, a threat from outer space and some unexpected twists. Jack gradually discovers that he has powers he didn't even know about and that even he can be a hero. It's not about being unafraid, it's about acting to protect those you love, despite the fear.
I read this book with my 11-year old son. We really enjoyed it. Jack is an excellent main character, realistically flawed and clever, but lacking self confidence. The book is fast-paced and fun. Towards the end, neither of us wanted to stop reading; we just had to see what would happen next. The ending resolves the book itself, but there are two more books in the series, I think. I would like to see what happens with Jack next, since the future isn't written in stone... (But our next read starts the summer reading assignment, so Jack Blank will have to wait.)
Recommended to:
6th grade and up; kids that like adventure & superheroes; not just for boys.