Tsubasa thinks Midori planted a bomb among the thousand paper cranes (like that wouldn't be super noticeable),
but he actually put one under her mom's chair. Arisa gets stabbed while protecting her mom, and Midori escapes. He goes to see Arisa in the hospital but gets captured by Tsubasa and some cops. In a surprise twist, Midori is stabbed by Osawa (remember him? the guy whose wish resulted in his crush being temporarily blinded). Arisa confesses to Midori that she still loves him. Midori ends up in a juvenile detention center (I think?), and Tsubasa visits him and tells him that Arisa is waiting for him. Bonus manga: A flashback to Arisa visiting Tsubasa's school to try to figure out why Tsubasa thinks she might soon be expelled.
Huh. The series is now over and Tsubasa was never paired off with anyone. That might be the best thing I could say about it. I was sure there'd be a relationship between her and either Akira or Takeru shoehorned in at some point. Instead, there's an indication that Akira and Shizuka might become a couple at some point in the future.
Arisa deciding that she still loved Midori just made me shake my head. Considering what she and everyone else had been through, Tsubasa should have been against their relationship, not encouraging it. In order to make Midori slightly less horrible, Ando
wimped out and revealed that the guy who was supposedly killed a few volumes ago was actually just pretending to be dead - somehow a whole classroom full of people transported him to a new room and never realized he wasn't really dead, and somehow he stayed quiet while Tsubasa was locked in with him. And even if he was pretending, that still doesn't excuse all the times Midori hurt and almost killed fellow classmates.
This was a terrible ending with a cheap shocker of a twist.
How did Osawa manage to hide in a room that the police had supposedly prepped for catching Midori? And why Osawa, of all people? I had to go back through my notes to remind myself who he was, and I'd only read the volume he last appeared in (volume 4) a day prior.
If someone asked me if they should give this series a try, I'd tell them to skip it and read something like Monster or Death Note instead. Both of those series have their problems, but they're still way better than this one.
(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)