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review 2014-06-27 19:50
On the Fence - Kasie West

I am a party-pooper. Although a sad one since I am somewhat sad I didn’t enjoy this. There is quite a bit of hype surrounding this book and all my friends who have read it so far have loved it so I feel like a complete buzz kill with my ‘hating’. 

On the Fence, quite frankly, sucked. I went in expecting a friends-to-more romance and got something else. 

For starters, I did NOT like the main character. I was cringing the whole time I was reading this book and was not the least bit amused. I think what bothered me the most was this whole normal girl vs not normal girl thing going on. I get that teenagers go through a phase where they aren’t sure of themselves, I went through it too but the whole changing yourself to fit in storylines have never worked for me. Perhaps it’s my fault but if I had known this book had a storyline that revolved around the character trying to change herself, I probably wouldn’t have read it. 

My problem with this whole thing is that it seems to say that there is a ‘right’ way to be a female but there isn’t! Femininity isn’t defined by whether you are girly or not! I am neither girly nor a tom boy but I am no less female then other girls out there. I think what made this worse was that Charlie seemed to be the only ‘tom boy’ in this book. She was surrounded by girly girls who only seemed to care about make-up. The stereotypes started getting to me and I ended up being so annoyed. Plus I never understood why Charlie felt this need to hide things from her family. Why was she so embarrassed if that’s what she wanted to be? Didn't she understand that her family would love her no matter what? I mean seeing that she is such a 'family' person... I kind of expected more from her.

It didn’t end there though. The romance bothered the living daylights out of me. WHERE WAS THE SWOON I WAS PROMISED? Braden and Charlie’s romance is basically non-existent. It seems like one moment she thinks of him as a brother and the next he isn’t a brother to her. Did she have a crush on him before the book started? I have no idea because it was never said (or I missed it). 

When the ‘other’ dude is brought into the picture things become even more awkward with Charlie sticking her head in the sand. She doesn't see that there is a reason why Braden does NOT like the dude while her brothers don’t mind him nearly as much. I never actually sensed sparks between them and while they didn’t lack chemistry, things seemed too rushed in the end. The L word popped out of nowhere. And I do say nowhere. Just because they have known each other forever doesn’t mean that they can pop out the L word and it won’t seem random. 

The only redeeming factor for me is Charlie’s family. Her dad is a sweet heart and I cannot imagine how hard things must be for him. Her brothers are also incredible and so fun to read about!

I guess one could also fault the length of the book in this case because it did seem quite short in the end. It’s not a short book by any means but it did seem a little rushed. Things started getting good about 80% into the novel but just as I was starting to like it, I was drowned in a bucket of cheese and that ultimately killed the book for me. I only felt relief when I finished this book. 

With all that said though, I do want to read The Distance Between Us because I think it might be more enjoyable for me as a reader and if not that, Pivot Point. I am not ready to give up on the author yet. 

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text 2014-04-28 02:48
It's Rashika's birthday and we are giving away awesome stuff!

Hi, guys! In celebration of Rashika's birthday today, we will be giving away three awesome stuff on the blog!


Philippines - a Php300 Fully Booked giftcard

United States - a finished copy of Richelle Mead's THE IMMORTAL CROWN

International - a $10 Amazon Giftcard




Please join and spread the love! Give Rashika your best wishes!




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review 2014-03-28 18:59
The sad moment when one of your favorite series comes to an end
Banishing the Dark - Jenn Bennett

***This review has also been posted on Tangled in Pages


Note: This review may or may not be incoherent. Do not blame me. Blame the fact that I just finished one of my favorite series.

It is kind of hard to believe that one of my favorite urban fantasy series has finally come to an end. I was late to the party but for the past year I’ve loved and re-read this series and become a huge fan of the author and it’s so sad to let a series you loved finally go.


This series is perfect, you have great characters, a great supporting cast, great romance and entertaining plots. This book was no different, however this time around we were also introduced to Jupe’s POV.


Cady and Lon never fail to amaze me. They are such strong and wonderful characters. You just cannot help but like them. They both have their moments but at the same time they are just so lovable. They both have insecurities but it’s been so much fun watching them grow over the course of 4 books. From being too scared to say those 3 words to finally admitting them. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express how much I love the two.


Their romance is still as wonderful as ever. There was a twist at the beginning that initially brought things down for me. I wasn’t completely sure it would work out well and I was too scared that I would end up raging instead of enjoying the romance between one of my favorite couples but I shouldn’t have worried. Jenn has it covered. She pulled it off and I loved their romance this time around as well. Lon is a little withdrawn in this book but he has his reasons and I kind of love how he is giving her room.  He gives her the space she needs but at the same time he is so supportive. Not that that’s a new thing. There are things he doesn’t agree with, wishes there was another way but he doesn’t stop Cady because he respects her as a person even though all his instincts are screaming at him to shove her inside a closet and protect her to the best of his ability.


One of the drawbacks of this novel for me was Jupe’s POV. I know many people have been looking forward to this and I am pretty sure it’s me and not his POV that makes it difficult for me to enjoy reading those bits. For the past three books I’ve observed Jupe from an ‘adult’ point of view so I think of him as the ‘cute little kid’ (and he is indeed adorable) but the change to his POV kind of just makes it hard for me to see him as a kid and forces me to see him as a teenager. Which just makes things a little awkward for my brain. With that said, I still adored Jupe in this novel.


Priya; however, not so much. I felt like Priya took advantage of Jupe’s need to be an adult to manipulate him into doing something that could cause him harm and so I wasn’t Priya’s biggest fan in this book.


The plot was strong in this one. Jenn did not disappoint with the finale. I was on the edge of my seat eagerly awaiting the final showdown. Emotions ran high. There was action and there were also amazing paranormal bits.


The epilogue, predictably, did not work for me. Epilogues are not my thing and I can only think of one off the top of my head that I actually loved to death. I always find them to be too HEA and it just reinforces the fact that the series has come to an end and these characters that you’ve come to love will no longer have amazing adventures.


Writing this review is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do this week (and believe me, my week has been hellish). It’s so impossibly hard to say good bye and you know what, I’ll do it with a smile on my face knowing that I wasn’t let down and that Jenn didn’t disappoint me.


This is a series I will recommend to everyone until well the end of time because Cady and Lon are full of win and everyone should get to appreciate their brilliance. 

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url 2014-02-21 01:24
BBA ALERT: Katie Lynn Johnson
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review 2014-01-17 17:10
Interesting world, Weird plot, awkward pacing, meh characters
Viking Fire - Andrea R. Cooper

**This review has also been posted on Tangled in Pages


I like my historical romances but the ones I usually read are set in the 19th century. My one attempt at reading something set farther back was a complete fail *cough Born in Sin cough*. This book is set even farther back, in ‘856 CE’  but the idea of Vikings being involved was intriguing enough for me to overlook the last time I got burned. 

This was certainly a whole lot more tolerable than Born in Sin but the story itself was lacking. The setting was pulled off really well but when it came to the plot and characters, things just didn’t work out.

Starting with the main character, Kaireen, who is a speshul snowflake. She isn’t ordinary like her sisters, her father taught her how to use a bow and arrow and she also happens to be the only sister who gets a dowry. I do not understand. Why is she so special? She seems too brazen for a girl in that time. and is always running around doing things she shouldn’t be. The only quality about her that I actually like was how she was somewhat self-centered. We’ve encountered all those female leads that are so nice it’s sickening. The ones who probably go skipping around town throwing flowers everywhere from their special flower basket *gags*. I liked how she was actually aware of her position as the daughter of the leader of the clan. She wasn’t rude to the servants but she didn’t go out of her to be nice… and she actually got pissed at how she was treated during the term of her punishment (which she got for running around doing things she shouldn’t have… so that’s another plus).

I was really surprised by how everyone around her seemed to be fawning over ‘the enemy’ and she was the only one who had the common sense to actually realize that he was the enemy. Hotness shouldn’t be used as a way to redeem a character. That never helps. I suppose he’s never done anything ‘wrong’ but how can they be so certain he isn’t like the rest of the Vikings that raid their lands? What happened to self-preservation?

Getting to said enemy, Bram, why? Why is he so enthusiastic to marry her? I mean from what I understand he basically creepily observed her and fell in love and wanted to marry her. What? No. Ugh. He also happens to be a tad bit too perfect for my liking. Stopping men from beating up their wives, rescuing sisters (not once but TWICE), swearing fidelity to a girl he hasn’t married and who knows nothing about him, oh and he’s really hot.

The romance set off all my alarms, INSTA LOVE ALERT. One day she is hating on him, the other she is worried he is going to die. What? How did you even get there? I thought you didn’t want to marry him and now you’re telling yourself you don’t love him. Huh? Let’s not forget they know NOTHING about each other (well Bram did creepily observe her).

The plot did not work at all. It lacked substance. It was like trying to piece a puzzle where the pieces obviously did not fit. The pacing in general was messed up. Events occurred one after the other but they were never dwelled on. It was almost like a check list. They get attacked, check, there is a fire, check, etc. I just don’t understand what the point even was. The villain was very dull and seemed more like a wannabe than anything else. Like being evil for the sake of being evil and nothing else. I didn’t completely understand what made her tick and why she was out for blood. Some of the things were just vaguely mentioned never to be talked about again. The plot was all over the place and things didn't really tie back.

Simply put, this book did not work. It was decent enough but it lacked substance and couldn’t keep my attention. 

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