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review 2020-05-16 14:15
One Summer in Paris
One Summer in Paris - Sarah Morgan

by Sarah Morgan


I don't read many Romance books but I did enjoy this one. I'm always drawn to stories set in Paris.


The chapters alternate between the pov of two protagonists: Grace, a mature woman whose daughter is about to travel in Europe before going off to college and Audrey, a girl the same age as Grace's Daughter. Grace likes her life planned and ordered. She thinks she has the ideal life, until it all comes crashing down. Audrey has spent her life looking after her alcoholic mother and is used to complete chaos, but looks to Paris as her escape.


The two meet in Paris and with a few hitches, become unlikely friends. Each have their own problems, but they support each other and find they have complementary talents.


So first the negative: Many plot points were easily predictable or really stretched belief. Near the end the moralising got rather thick and I didn't like the turn things took for Grace. My decisions would have been different.


However, as a complete fantasy romance story, it was entertaining. I did care what happened to both women and wanted them to find happiness in their own ways. The characters were well done, even if the plot hit me over the head with both moralising and obvious clues of what was to come.


On the bottom line, it was a fun story if you don't mind a little insta-love and unlikely human behaviour in favour of a light fantasy romance.

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review 2018-01-24 00:00
Sunset in Central Park (Hqn)
Sunset in Central Park (Hqn) - Sarah Morgan Shelving this as brother's best friend even though it's best friend's brother...cause...convenient.

It was a sweet story; I don't have too many negatives. My major problem was the hero (Matt) was utterly perfect. I think he might've been a protective jackass of his sister in the prior book, but here he makes no mistakes. None. He even knew how to handle Frankie's reluctance better than her own best friend. He shows her great sex the first time. He makes her realize she needs to move on from her past, while simultaneously convincing her to start a future with him. Matt's been in love with Frankie since forever.

He's a miracle worker. If this sounds snarky, maybe it's meant to be....the book was light and readable but if I were looking for a hero similar to this I'd probably fall back to [b:Wild at Whiskey Creek|29436302|Wild at Whiskey Creek (Hellcat Canyon, #2)|Julie Anne Long|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1473678817s/29436302.jpg|49704361] (of course)...or friends to lovers that is [b:Sutphin Boulevard|25404499|Sutphin Boulevard (Five Boroughs, #1)|Santino Hassell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1435776893s/25404499.jpg|45158379] with a patient, steady, dependable guy, or slow burn new to each other but friends first [b:The Hot Shot|29541797|The Hot Shot (Game On, #4)|Kristen Callihan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1489760751s/29541797.jpg|49842497]

It was cute, and I won't hesitate to read another, but it's just not my favorite the genre has to offer.
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review 2018-01-01 00:00
Moonlight Over Manhattan
Moonlight Over Manhattan - Sarah Morgan Wonderful book, full of love, joy, dogs and Christmas spirit. I really loved Harriet and Ethan's characters and I fell in love with both of them. Wonderful book!
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review 2017-11-27 16:17
Review: Moonlight Over Manhattan by Sarah Morgan
Moonlight Over Manhattan - Sarah Morgan

Harriet Knight has always been introverted, relying on her more confident twin, Fliss, to help her navigate the uncomfortable sea of humanity outside their apartment. But now Fliss has moved out to live with her fiancé, and Harriet has decided it’s time to push herself outside her comfort zone in order to seek changes in her life. She’s put herself on a month-long challenge to do something she wouldn’t normally everyday between Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Dr. Ethan Black works in the ER of a Manhattan hospital. He’s great at this job, knowledgeable, friendly, and able to put aside the overwhelming array of emotions that can spring up in his intense line of work. But when he meets Harriet who simply twisted her ankle and takes his professional advice at face value, he realizes he’s become too cynical. When Ethan agrees to watch his sister’s dog for a short time and Harriet comes as part of the package, Ethan begins to question his own outlooks on life.


Moonlight Over Manhattan is another wonderful romance in Ms. Morgan’s enjoyable From Manhattan with Love series. This time, the story focuses on Fliss’s twin, Harriet, the timid sister who lets Daniel and Fliss take care of her. In the previous two books, we’ve gotten glimpses of Harriet, but in Moonlight Over Manhattan, Harriet is allow to develop and grow. 


Challenge Harriet, the name she calls herself because of her goal to do something outside of her comfort zone for a month, is full of surprises, doing things that would be difficult for Harriet. But what happens over the course of the book is that Challenge Harriet and Harriet become one. She learns how to be comfortable in her own skin and discovers she can trip up, recover, and move ahead. And Ethan’s genuine joy in seeing this transformation in Harriet is contagious. I found myself cheering for Harriet each time she tried something new.


While Ethan is an equal partner in this romance, I feel his storyline is overshadowed by Harriet’s. Not only did it seem he had fewer POVs, but because he has given up on love and the messy emotions that get in the way of his job, we don’t get a lot of emotion out of his POVs. Yet, he’s empathetic and kind, with a bedside manner of a saint. And Ethan is freakishly perceptive, in ways I’ve not seen in real life men. For example, realizing how Harriet uses food to help people and make things better and that she isn’t trying to win his heart, but just being who she is: an honest, giving person. He’s just too astute. But that’s also how his character is developed.


While minor, I did have a couple issues with the storyline. For example, Ethan’s need for Harriet to move into his home, rather than have his sister’s dog go home with Harriet. Although I feel the reason for Harriet moving in is a bit ridiculous, the author doesn’t use it to press them together. Additionally, for someone who is so dedicated to animals, Harriet spends a lot of time not walking dogs and easily finding other people to take care of her responsibilities. At one point she is bottle feeding kittens, which is a huge responsibility and a round-the-clock job, yet she goes out of town the next day or so. 


In the end, I loved Harriet and Ethan; I loved watching them grow close, and loved how they ended together. Moonlight Over Manhattan, and the entire From Manhattan with Love series, is great because it is about all of those warm fuzzy feelings that make romance my favorite genre to read.


My Rating:  B+ Liked It A Lot

Review copy provided by Netgalley

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2017-11-04 09:10
Lichterzauber in Manhattan
Lichterzauber in Manhattan - Sarah Morgan


Mo, 09.10.2017






E-Book Format:





Lichterzauber in Manhattan

Eva ist eine hoffnungslose Romantikerin und sieht nur die guten Seiten des Lebens. Kein Wunder, dass sie Weihnachten in New York liebt wie kein anderes Fest im Jahr. Um ihr Konto aufzustocken, tritt die New Yorker Food-Bloggerin eine Stelle bei dem erfolgreichen Horror-Autor Lucas Bale an. Womit sie nicht gerechnet hat: Der grimmige Brite kann die Feiertage nicht ausstehen. Mit Tannenschmuck und Plätzchenduft will Eva ein kleines Weihnachtswunder an ihm wirken - mit mehr als frostigem Ergebnis. Warum nur fühlt sie sich zu ihm hingezogen, obwohl sie unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten?


Meine Meinung:

Ich bin beim Stöbern bei Netgalley auf dieses Buch aufmerksam geworden. Dieses wurde mir dann freundlicherweise von diesen zu Rezensionszwecken zur Verfügung gestellt. 

Der Einstieg in das Buch ist mir sehr leicht gefallen, auch der Schreibstil war schön flüssig. 

Ich habe jetzt bei erst gesehen, dass dies wohl der 3. Teil einer Reihe ist, dies war beim Lesen aber nicht zu merken, so dass ich der Meinung bin, dass man die Bände nicht zwingend hintereinander weg lesen muss. Bei der Vorgängerbänden geht es wohl um ihre Freundinnen Paige und Frankie.

Der Hauptprotagonist Lucas konnte mich von Anfang an begeistern, mit Eva hatte ich anfangs etwas Probleme. 

Ich lese nicht so häufig reine Liebesromane, aber so und ab und an kann es mich schon begeistern. Allerdings muss ich sagen, dass dieser Roman schon auf sehr viele Klischees zurückgegriffen hat, was ich ein wenig schade fand. 

Alles in allem kann ich hier aber eine klare Kauf- und Leseempfehlung aussprechen für alle, die Lust auf eine lockerleichte Liebesgeschichte im Winter haben. Von mir bekommt das Buch 4 Sterne.

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