I puchased this book because it contains the novella that is next in my reading of Wings in the Night by Maggie Shayne. You do not need to read this one as part of the series. It's actually a very cute stand alone novella based in the Wings in the Night world that I really enjoyed. Diego and Anne make for an interesting pair and I really enjoyed their little banter back and forth. At times Diego seemed way too bogged down by his one bad relationship experience, but that was really the only downside of the story.
The second novella by Maureen Child I just couldn't get into. I'm not sure if it was part of a larger series and I just didn't understand the world building, but it seemed super rushed and I was a little confused through the whole thing.
I am so happy that I stuck with this series. After taking a small dip and changing directions, it seems we're back on track with the vamps I love. Coming back to the original group of vampires was something I really looked forward to doing. While we get a brief glimpse at Vixen and some of her crew (maybe more to come from them later?), we really get to see Rhiannon and her completely awesome panther, the twin half-breeds, and all the rest of my old favorites!!
As the world realizes that vampires might actually exist, things to to hell in quite a large hand basket very quickly. Senseless burning of both vampires and non-vampires, wide spread fear, and a lack of understanding. At the center of it all are James, his twin sister Brigit, and a strangely captivating human named Lucy. As they work together to save as many vampires as they can and translate an ancient prophecy Lucy and James become quite close.
There is a lot of distrust floating around in this one, and I loved it. I know I sure wouldn't trust some random vampire the first day I found out they actually existed. Their slow building of trust and friendship was amazing. At heart they are so much alike, but how they react to things is just so different. A great couple to see grow closer.
There is also plenty of action as DPI is back in full force and preparing their final blow. We also get to meet a new player in the game that really surprised me. He is fascinating and I wonder what is going to happen with him.
Lots of great things are starting up again, and I really need to get my hands on the next one soon!
OK - we're moving in the right direction again, although with the sudden reappearance of the DPI I was a little thrown. I think I've seen them eliminated two or three times now, but I guess they are the cockroaches of evil agencies and you just can't seem to get rid of them. We also get another visit from the Order of Athena - which was really fun. I wish they had been more of a presence throughout the series, I really enjoy their lore and history.
Lilith and Ethan have a lot more in common than we first realize. Both are "orphans" that were raised in some crazy strange compound meant to brain wash people. But they somehow resisted and escaped. OK - sounds like a fantastic beginning. But it gets a little too crazy and out there (even for a vampire romance) about half way through.
Ehtan and Lilith have a ton of trust issues - partly because Lilith doesn't remember much of of anything at first and then misinterprets a lot after that. But also because Ethan is keeping all sorts of stuff from her. I got very frustrated at both of them several times.
Overall this was a very exciting read. We got to briefly see the original vamps and I always like seeing them. I just wish they didn't come in to save the day and then disappear all the time. The romance didn't quite make it for me though - they just never seemed to sit right.
This series is really starting to lose steam on me. The lack of appearances from the original group of vampires that I've grew to love - except in cases of emergencies where they swoop in like super heroes - has really hurt these for me. The new batch just isn't as much fun at the old one.
Reaper and his gang are on the hunt for Gregor for a multitude of reasons. In fact, as the story goes on, more and more reasons pop up. Soon it seems like each of the good vamps has their own personal vendetta against the guy. He's bad - like really really bad - but it was a little much.
Crisa was a little over the top and the story really seemed to revolve around her instead of Briar, who is our main female in the romance. Perhaps this one took a little more of an Urban Fantasy feel to it. I love a good urban fantasy, but I went into this knowing I wanted to read a romance. The romance just didn't seem to take center stage like I would have expected it to.
There was a lot of action, but much of it was over the top and seemed to be thrown in there just to be there sometimes. I'm really hoping that future books get back to the feel the series had in earlier titles.