An intriguing fantasy novel starting off in the modern world where Sonny is a bullied high school senior scared that his peers will discover that he is a hermaphrodite. But then the mystery deepens as Sonny (Sy) wakes up in a fantasy world of castles and magic where he is regarded as some kind of god. I did get a little annoyed by Sonny's inability to accept his situation but I am, nevertheless, dying to get my hands on the next installment.
"You're in a frightening new world. You want to go home. You're not going to get home by hiding in the broken house that landed in OZ, are you? You're going to have to risk what might be outside of your reason."
This story made the impossible seem possible; a little fairy tale a little real life! I became immediately interested in all the characters, the story, and where the author would lead me. It reminded me of The Stolen Child and I will certainly be watching for this author in the future.