Nyx Leron is a Hunter. A demon hunter. The thing is....demons aren't what fairy tales or religious texts say they are and reality is only a matter of which reality you happen to perceive.
After being sentenced to serving a term in Reality Level 3 on the prison planet known as Earth for a galactic 'crime' he didn't commit, the Hunter soon learns that the balance of power and the control of Sacred Knowledge that can free all souls from endless cycles on prison planets like Earth are in the hands of corruption.
After his targets escape, losing him his bounty and his debt payoff, he barely escapes with his life and unexpectedly lands in the apartment of librarian and sometime tarot card reader, Lyra Hall. With a coven of soul-sucking demons now on his tail and traces of his energy in her living space and on her person, the Hunter has no choice but to take the human woman with him as he makes his escape to another galaxy, dimension and reality level where he will try to figure out how to protect the billions of souls that are now in danger.
Lyra Hall is a librarian with a vision....literally. Since childhood she's been able to 'see' things in the dark that others couldn't; shadows that come to her when she's on the verge of sleep. Are they real? Or just an overactive imagination from reading too many books on the occult? Lyra's about to find out when she wakes up in the middle of the night to what she thought were two demons standing beside her bed, only to discover instead the most handsome blue eyed man she's ever seen, accompanied by a snow white wolf. When he tells her that in order to save her life he must take her with him on a journey across reality, dimensions and galaxies, she thinks he's a delusional psychotic who may be dangerous...that is until the demons that are hot on his tail begin to materialize in her apartment!
As she and the Hunter make their escape Lyra has no idea how deep the 'rabbit hole' goes , but she soon discovers she's about to embark on not only an adventure beyond any she could have imagined...but an awakening of who she really is and the real meaning of the word 'soul mate'.
Demons...they're not who you think they are, and sometimes possession by one is your only salvation.
Review 4*
This was an intriguing science fiction romance.
Nyx Leron is an interesting character. I really liked him. He is a demon hunter and has been given the ability to travel through portals to other higher dimensions in order to collect them. However, after discovering that things are not all they seem and in an attempt to escape his would be captors, he stumbles across a mysterious woman who now faces danger because of his actions. Forced to keep her safe, he must unravel the secrets kept by his employer.
Lyra Hall is also an intriguing character. However, I found her to be slightly annoying. I'm all for strong females but something about her grated on me. I don't know what it was and I still can't put my finger on why. Nevertheless, other readers may not have the same reaction to her. She is a librarian living on Earth, but she has been able to "see" creatures that are not exactly human. When a stranger kidnaps her, she finds out that things are not as they seem and her life will never be the same again.
I really liked Vega, Nyx's lupine companion, and a few of the other characters such as D'Anan and Talon. The Chancellor, who happens to be an elemental, was decidedly creepy and dark, and he made the perfect villain.
This story was an exciting mixture of action, adventure, danger and romance. I really liked this book. Why the four stars I hear you ask. The reason was simple: It was a metaphysical/science fiction story rather than the paranormal romance I had expected. It was my fault, as I saw the cover and didn't check the genre when it showed up in my recommendations on Amazon. I love science fiction anyway, so that wasn't too much of an issue. What threw me was the spirituality/enlightenment angle. I'm all for spirituality and enlightenment, but this story made my head hurt with the seven levels of reality. However, I enjoyed how the author incorporated it into the story. What I struggled to understand is why, if spirituality and enlightenment is attained with peace and knowledge up until level six, the author used pain as the catalyst to become an elemental? It was a jarring contrast.
As the story progressed and secrets were revealed, I found myself intrigued all over again. There were several twists I never saw coming and the ending surprised me. Although disappointed that this was not the paranormal romance I thought it was, I would consider reading more of this author's books in the future.
Cynthia Lucas has written an intriguing romance. I enjoyed her writing style, which was fast paced and descriptive. This kept me turning the pages. However, I felt the flow was not as smooth as it could have been. Some scenes felt clunky and too laden down with heavy philosophical ideas. Nevertheless, this did not detract too much from my enjoyment of the story.
Due to scenes of a sensual nature that are rather hot (although not as explicit as some romances I have read), I do not recommend this book to younger readers under the age of 16. I do, however, recommend this book if you love science fiction or paranormal romance. - Lynn Worton