Awen Finn is a hurricane of joy and she has been able to transform her life in a gift for many other people in difficulty. I had review time ago her wonderful wonderful book: How to beat Criticism and Feel Good. Awen is back now with Soul Music
Discover your personal type so YOU can lead a life of happiness and success.
In the book you will find many singers or band's from The Police to the U2, passing from John Lennon or the Foo Fighters, with many songs explained in detail. Your favorite song will define your character
Movies of course but first of all songs are able to speak directly to our soul.
Songs are the soundtrack of all our life. When you will discover your favorite song you can also understand much better your character and your can build a most successful life because you will have discovered your real YOU!
I love and appreciate the biography of Awen because through sufferance she has been in grade to become a successful person! And like her, you can do that as well.
I thank LibraryThing and Awen Finn for this book.
Anna Maria Polidori
Every now and then, we get one of those “real world stuff bleeds into the Discworld” books. For example, Moving Pictures involved, as you might guess, a sudden discovery of and obsession about movies. With a Discworld flare, of course. Those books are the ones I seem to enjoy the least. Soul Music is the third book in the Death subseries, and it was one of those types of books. In this case, the sudden discovery and obsession is for rock and roll music although, in Discworld, it goes by the name “Music with Rocks In” and includes some trolls using rocks as drums.
Maybe part of the problem is that I just don’t seem to get a lot of the jokes in these types of books. I’ve never watched a lot of movies, so a lot of the stuff in Moving Pictures went over my head. Likewise, I’m not terribly knowledgeable about rock and roll, and I think most of the references were probably from the 50’s and maybe 60’s, and I’ve never listened much to the music of that era.
I’m embarrassed to say how long it took me before I finally got the constantly-repeated “he looks elvish” joke. I’m pretty sure I was at least halfway through the book.
In addition to that, we have Death once again going off the grid and shirking his responsibilities, leaving other people to deal with the repercussions. This is only the third Death book and yet it already feels repetitive. Part of the reason it frustrates me is because Death is a fun character, and I want to see more of him actually being Death. I think I actually enjoy him more when he shows up in the other subseries books.
I guess it sounds like I hated the book, and I really didn’t. It’s just easier to write about my complaints. So, what did I like? I enjoyed the humor that didn’t relate to rock and roll music. Pratchett has a great way of coming up with funny descriptions for common things. For example, this one made me laugh enough that I took the time to highlight it: "And people got up and started cheerin’ and dancin’ and stampin’ their feet like there was a plague of cockroaches." I also really enjoyed the concept of the character of Susan, who was one of the aforementioned characters who had to take up the slack for Death. I say “the concept of” because she really didn’t get nearly enough page time and her part of the story was too similar to another story in an earlier book. Despite that, she captured my attention when she was first introduced and I really liked the idea of her character.
Discworld #16
Having initially read the Discworld books completely out of order, I’m not sure how much of the plot and backstory I should be giving away here. This is the first book with Susan, and it’s basically about how Rock ‘n’ Roll comes to the Discworld. Of course, since this is the Discworld, it’s “Music with Rocks In”, literally. Susan gets ‘help’ from the Death of Rats and his translator and transport, Quoth the raven, when Death goes off to try to learn to forget. This is, in fact, the book where he joins the Klatchian Foreign Legion.
This is far from my favourite Susan book (she’s only a sixteen year old schoolgirl here and shows her age), but I always seem to love the Death of Rats and raven combo. They’re ridiculous but adorable, even when the raven goes on about for eyeballs and entrails. How could anyone resist a skeletal rat with a mini scythe and a cowl?