This is an extremely short book, and while it does have some really intriguing food for thought, I do think it needed to be expanded way more than it is.
For one, I would have liked to see how to practice to reach stage 3 and 4, instead of just saying you need to practice and study other writers.
He did give some to read, but there's a difference between reading and studying, and I really would have liked to know how he does or how to go about it aside of reading for pleasure and then a second time for studying.
It's definently not a how-to book, or even a craft one (though he says it is, to me a craft book tells you/explains how to go about improving/reaching higher skills), but it's nice to put perspective.
It's very passable though, if you don't feel curious where you're at, and it won't improve your writing or give you tools to improve per se. Just...give you awareness, which is also good!