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review 2016-12-19 00:20
Review for Blog Tour I am Involved in.
[(The Mists of Time : A Da Vinci Time Travel Novel)] [By (author) Susan Squires] published on (August, 2010) - Susan Squires











Making love to her had been a miracle. Gawain couldn’t regret it. The way she opened to him, the way she trusted him. He’d worried when she was so hesitant. He’d wondered if she was too damaged by her previous experience.
Had he been gentle enough with her? It had cost him every ounce of his control to go as slowly has he had, when he wanted to claim her as his own, fast and fierce, with the right to protect and defend her, the right to make love to her, for them to bear children together and stand together against all comers.
Gawain felt her stir in his arms. She still had her sleep shirt on, though it was entirely unbuttoned, leaving her soft breasts pressed against his chest. He had captured her thigh between his own as she dozed after sex. This was how they should sleep together, always.
She wiggled the leg between his. He opened his thigh immediately. “Did your leg go to sleep?”
“No. I just liked the feel of it against your, uh, you know.’
He raised his brows. “Against my ‘you know’? Those are my bollocks and my cock you’re speaking of.”
Her eyes went dark. “Yes.”
“I know you know those words. You use them in your books.”
“Yes.” She cleared her throat. “Well, it’s a little different saying them to someone in real life.” She cleared her throat again. “I, uh, I hope it was okay for you.”
“Yelling is a clue. You don’t often get yelling.”
She tried to suppress a smile and looked down.
He felt his cock springing to new life. Would he ever get enough of her? “I’m not sure your research is yet complete if you have to resort to ‘you know’ to describe things.” He rolled over on his back and scooted her over next to him. “Don’t you think you should explore a little yourself? Just in the name of research.”
She grinned but looked away.
“You can’t possibly be shy after opening to my mouth the way you did.”
“Was…was I too brazen?” She looked stricken.
“A man likes his woman to be lady in public and brazen in bed. You were perfect.”
“So, uh, I should be brazen now.” She slid a glance down to his groin.
She took her lip between her teeth as though she were girding her own loins. “I suppose you know that all those things I wrote in my books—they were pretty much just words to me. I know the words well enough but…”
“But you should explore the reality,” he said.
She smiled shyly. “If you’re sure you wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll bear up.” At least this time he could wait. He’d had one hell of an orgasm less than an hour ago.
“Well, I think I’ll start with your nipples. I was very curious earlier, but I didn’t like to, uh, just.... Well, you know.”
“You think you’re conveying something with this phrase ‘you know.’ But you’re not. Could you mean ‘lick them’?”
She sighed as if relieved. “Yes. Lick them.”
She bent over him and touched her tongue to his right nipple. Sensation shot to his groin. He hadn’t expected that. Not from just a nipple. Not after having spent himself so forcefully less than an hour before. She ran her tongue over it and then sucked gently. He cleared his throat. Now she raked her teeth across it, not biting, but the mere possibility of biting made him feel open and vulnerable to her. She continued working at it, alternating techniques while her other small hand gravitated toward his other nipple and began to tweak it.
She pulled up. “Now, describe how that feels please.”
She frowned at him. “I can’t just say it feels ‘good’ in my books.”
“Well, I’m a man. Men don’t wax flowery over…over things like that.” He took a breath. “That doesn’t mean you have to stop.”
She slipped down and slid her tongue into his navel. “I have other fish to fry right now. I’ll try to get back to them later.” She pulled his thighs apart and he obliged her. “I’ve read,” she said meditatively, “that the area just behind the testicles is very sensitive.” She took two fingers and rubbed the spot in question slowly, deeply. Lord, he was hard as a rock already. Could things get any more intense? “Is that true?” she asked.
“Uh, yes.” Where did she read these kinds of things? In books like hers?
“That would be yes.”
“And balls, do you like them caressed if I promise to be very gentle?”
“I, uh, I don’t know. No one’s ever done, uh, that exactly to me.”
“You surprise me.” She gave a knowing smile. “A man with your experience?”
The last woman he’d had was the Green Knight’s wife, and that was many years ago. At the thought of the Green Knight and his failure of honor, his heart contracted. He had to put that failure away. This was for Diana. He would perform the act of loving with her, for her, as a healing rite. That was the height of honor. And if it wasn’t, then honor be damned.


My Review

I thought the book was okay. It wasn't my favorite book ever but not the worst, so that's a good time. While I gave the book a four star rating it was really more like a 3 1/2 star book. 

It took me a while to get into the story but once I final did, the book kept my interest. 

I wasn't so excited about these two main characters, and I think that's another reason I wasn't so involved in the book. 

I did love the plot and I did like how the book ended. I loved who Diana's father was, even though it was easy to figure out who it was. I did start warming up to both of them towards the end, and I thought they both made a pretty cute couple. 



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text 2016-12-05 04:00
Reading progress update: I've read 73%.
[(The Mists of Time : A Da Vinci Time Travel Novel)] [By (author) Susan Squires] published on (August, 2010) - Susan Squires

The book is okay. It's finally getting better but it took until about the 65% mark to get there. And the main girl character whose name is Diana is way to insecure with herself. The hero Gawain is an okay hero, and so far his pretty boring.

Right now its only going to get 3 stars from me unless the ending of the book blows me away. 

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text 2016-12-02 13:47
Reading progress update: I've read 32%.
[(The Mists of Time : A Da Vinci Time Travel Novel)] [By (author) Susan Squires] published on (August, 2010) - Susan Squires

So far I can't decide if I like this book or not. I am not ready to give up on reading the book through, so that's a good thing I guess. If I get to the 50% mark and I am not sure still then I might have to just give up on the book. I would really hate to do that, if I get half way through, but I have so many other books to read and review. 


I can't even decide if I like the hero or heroine of the story yet, and usually I know almost right after I meet them in the book. 

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text 2014-09-08 23:48
Free Today on Amazon
Sacred Fate - Eressë
A Kiss for Luck: A Novella (Sweetest Kisses) - Grace Burrowes
Do You Believe in Magic? - Susan Squires

Sacred Fate


A Kiss For Luck


Do You Believe in Magic?



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text 2014-04-17 16:38
Lumière: Romance Novels Set in Paris
Curio - Cara McKenna
13 Rue Thérèse - Elena Mauli Shapiro
Frenched: 1 - Melanie Harlow
The Orchid Affair - Lauren Willig
Blame It on Paris - Laura Florand
The Treasure Keeper - Shana Abe
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins
The Paris Assignment - Addison Fox
Kissed in Paris (A Paris Romance) - Juliette Sobanet
Wicked Becomes You - Meredith Duran

Whenever I am going to travel, I like to immerse myself in the place I am going.  


Romance novels set in a place like say PARIS let me turn to my husband and while gleeful clapping utter  "Ohhhh! This is where Patrick and Sarah kissed in The Chocolate Temptation!" And my love laughs and knows to kiss me in the same literarily important spot. It gets me tons of extra kisses which is always devine.  


I also do historical and food based reading in preparation but that is less interesting to discuss here. 


If you plan to go to Paris soon, if only in your mind, here are some wonderful romance novels set in the City of Light to take you there. 


Contemporary Romance 

Amour et Chocolat Series by Laura Florand

Kissed in Paris by Juliette Sobanet

The Paris Assignment by Addison Fox

13, rue Thérèse by Elena Mauli Shapiro

Frenched by Melanie Harlow


Young Adult

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 


Historical Romance 

Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught 

Lord of Scoundrels and Silk Is For Seduction by Loretta Chase

The Orchid Affair by Lauren Willig

Ruthless by Anne Stuart

Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran

Love's Charade by Jane Feather 

Knight In Paris  by Barbara Cartland (Had to put this one on) 



Paranormal Romance 

Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost 

Her Dark Angel by Felicity Heaton 

The Treasure Keeper  by Shana Abe

Dark Legend  by Christine Feehan

Time For Eternity by Susan Squires

A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole



Love Story Memoir ish 

 Lunch in Paris: A Love Story, with Recipes by Elizabeth Bard

Paris in Love: A Memoir by Eloisa James

Blame It on Paris by  Laura Florand



If you would like to vote for the best to the best, go to the Goodreads list: Lumière: Romance Novels Set in Paris.


If you would enjoy see lovers in Paris, imagining yourself there and getting even more recommendations for romance novels set in Paris, visit my Pinterest Board: Lumière: Romance Novels Set in Paris.

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