Now that may be a strong title to this review but if you have also read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, you are probably feeling the same way as I am. Upset, maybe even speechless. Mind. Is. Blown. (cue the nuclear explosion sound byte)
This novel as written beautifully; I don't think I could have written anything better myself. There goes my writing career! Just kidding...
Gone Girl should be what all crime authors strive for- mind games, explicit content, and a fantastic villain. The bad guy is always important, in my opinion.
I will admit, it was sort of slow in the beginning despite Amy being missing within the first few pages of reading. But of course the author has to get through all of the backstory and Nick and Amy's life together.... blah blah blah.
Yet, that whole backstory is why you need to pay attention as a reader. Why are Amy's diary entries so important? Why does Nick lie so much to the police? Where the hell is Amy? The reader ends up asking the same questions that the media does while on Nick and Amy's doorstep during the investigation. What I love about Flynn's writing style is that she made me change who my favorite character was almost every other chapter. Now that is commitment to character.
Absolutely go read Gone Girl! Go read this novel even if you already saw Ben Affleck star in the movie! I have heard that the ending is different in the movie versus the book. Once I see the movie, I will definitely have another review to compare against this one.
5 out of 5 stars. Hands down.