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review 2015-11-23 15:49
The Angel Hunter by Jerrod Begora
The Angel Hunter - Jerrod Begora




"In a Godless world where angels are evil, who would you pray to for help?"

Lucile is a devout Catholic women who prays regularly for God's help in finding her missing cousin, David, who has likely skipped town on a whim. After accepting help from a stranger, Lucile thinks her prayers have been answered. Unfortunately, she is far from the truth. Lucile is about to be swept up in an ancient battle between humans and angels-where angels are evil and God is nowhere to be found.

Few know the reality, and even fewer summon the courage to fight against the angelic tyranny and help those in need. Meanwhile, cars are dropping from the sky, and God's servants are in hot pursuit of Lucile and Andrew. Lucile, desperate to save her memories and find her cousin, is seemingly left with no other choice but to trust her quirky new friend who wields a gun and warns of impending disaster. Either God is good and sent the angel to test Lucile's convictions or he is now using their lives for his amusement.

Torn between trusting her strong religious beliefs and the actions of God's angelic army, Lucile knows one thing for sure-her cousin is in a lot more trouble than she ever imagined.


my though


I won this book a while back and had it sitting on my desk for a long time and finally got around reading it. Since I always like a books about Angels and Demons and the different views from authors. This book was a little different since we don’t know if god even exist, and if he is good or evil. I though the story was rather interesting and kept me guessing to what is going to happen next. You never knew, who to trust and who to avoid until it was to late. Lucille was the most interesting and baffling character of all. The writing was good. Overall it was a good book. Some things were a bit to drawn out and some of the dialog also was very long and overdrawn that it sometimes got annoying. But not enough for me to give up on the book. I rate this book 3★



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Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/the-angel-hunter-by-jerrod-begora
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review 2014-09-04 19:04
Review on The Angel Hunter By Jerrod Begord
The Angel Hunter - Jerrod Begora

Hello All!


I'm actually doing a review...it's a miracle! Lol. Today I'm reviewing a book that I won on here and it's called The Angel Hunter by Jerrod Begord.


I'm going to give you the blurb straight from the book. 


In a Godless world where angels are evil, who would you pray to for help? Lucile is a devout Catholic woman who prays regularly for God’s help in finding her missing cousin, David, who has likely skipped town on a whim. After accepting help from a stranger, Lucile thinks her prayers have been answered. Unfortunately, she is far from the truth. Lucile is about to be swept up in an ancient battle between humans and angels where angels are evil and God is nowhere to be found. Few know the reality, and even fewer summon the courage to fight against the angelic tyranny and help those in need. Meanwhile, cars are dropping from the sky, and God’s servants are in hot pursuit of Lucile and Andrew. Lucile, desperate to save her memories and find her cousin, is seemingly left with no other choice but to trust her quirky new friend who wields a gun and warns of impending disaster. Either God is good and sent the angel to test Lucile’s convictions or he is now using their lives for his amusement. Torn between trusting her strong religious beliefs and the actions of God’s angelic army, Lucile knows one thing for sure-her cousin is in a lot more trouble than she ever imagined.


This book was really good, I liked how the Author took religion and turn it into a world of craziness. The protagonist Lucile, is a good character to read in my opinion, she wasn't clingy or complaining about things, she basically just went with it. Well, when a stranger tries to throw you in a car, you'll get a little defensive too. None of the characters seem to bad, it's kind of a reality of how some people are. This book is an easy read, every time I picked it up, I didn't want to stop.


To have a fictional book question whether God is: good, evil, or not even real. It catches your attention, even though it is a fictional book. I liked how the Author took this road and made you question everything. I did! It's kind of funny the way that he took it. I know not a lot of people will agree, but it's still a good book to read. The only thing I did not like about the book was the ending. I would recommend this to anyone who is up for a different kind of read. 


Well, that is it for this review, I'm sorry that this isn't really a detailed review. I just wanted you all to find out for yourselves, on how you will take the book. If you have read it let me know how you liked it or not. 


Until the next review!!!


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review 2014-07-23 00:01
The Angel Hunter - Jerrod Begora

This was such a cool book. It is fast-paced and always keeps you on your toes. You don't know who to trust. You don't know if God exists and whether he's good or bad. There are twists and turns all along the way.

Having said that, my one critique of the book is that you never know what is going on. The mystery of it is intriguing at first, but after a while I just really wanted to know what the story even was. I liked following Lucile's story because you were able to pick up things as she learned them, but at the same time, there was too much shifting for me to really get it. I think there were a few too many plot twists for me. (Oh, we can trust him? No just kidding, he's the one who's trying to kill us. Oh, but maybe he's not all bad...) The story seemed too indecisive.

There were plenty of things I enjoyed about the book. I loved Begora's switch in narration to distinguish flashbacks from present tense happenings and how the two merged as Lucile tried to figure everything out. Lucile as a character really grew on me as the novel went on. At first I thought she was really annoying, but the final stage she ends the novel in is prettying interesting. I loved the open-ended conclusion. It fit well and did not feel disappointing. I do wish there was more explanation regarding the hierarchy of angels. From what I gathered it was well-thought-out, but the explanation wasn't satisfying.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. 

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review 2014-07-07 01:33
Review: The Angel Hunter [Hardcover]
The Angel Hunter - Jerrod Begora

(Don't blink!  Oh wait... wrong angels...)


What if God was evil?  Or what if God isn't even there? Either way, the Angels have control over the earth and seem to be allowing the horrors of murder, child molestation, spousal abuse, and more to proceed without even trying to stop. In fact, in the past, your memory may have been wiped to keep you from remembering that you saw an Angel... or it might be wiped after reading this review. The Angels don't want the truth to come out.


But what IS the truth? Lucile prays for her cousins safety and finds herself under attack by Angels. As she learns more about the Angels, the Morning Stars, and the Protectors, she finds herself trapped in a world where good is evil, evil can sometimes be good, and the rules keep seem to be changing.


This was a very interesting book and a unique concept. My one complaint would be that the ending was left open without a hint of resolution. We can guess at what will happen given the events that have already happened, but I prefer my books to have an actual ending. This wouldn't stop me from buying another book from this author, especially if there is a sequel to The Angel Hunter.



NOTE: If you enjoyed my review, I would appreciate if you could mark it as being helpful on Amazon as well. I have included the link to the Amazon review in the Source section at the bottom of this review.  You can also purchase the kindle edition of The Angel Hunter by going to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H6P7KL4/?tag=shasworofboo-20


Disclaimer: I received an autographed hardcover copy of The Angel Hunter through the Giveaways on Booklikes.com. In return, the author asked for an honest review.

Source: www.amazon.com/review/R388F5KGF12UFE/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=146202825X
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review 2014-03-10 00:00
Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy (Angel)
Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy (Angel) - Michelle Cornwell-Jordan I was given Night School: Vampire Hunter by the author Michelle Cornwell-Jordan for review.

Dasheen Bellamy is a 15 year old girl, whom everyone calls Angel. Angle has lost everything . Her parents have disappeared and all she has left is her 12 year old brother, Jordan. She will do whatever it takes like follow all the rules, go see Ms. Griffin three times a week to keep her and Jordan together. Angel and Jordan both are students and residents of Ame Academy.

Ms Griffin suggested that Angel write everything that has happened to her down in a journal but Angel was a blogger back at her old school. So she starts a blog where she post everything in her blog. She post about the night her parents disappears and her life at Ame Academy.

Angel met Principal Montague in the hall one day and he ask her how Jordan is doing in night school. Angel not knowing that the school had transferred him to night school wonders what is up. The reason she didn't know that he had been transferred is because the students that are in different grades are not allowed to talk to each other unless they are family and only then at the proper time designated by the school .

After her little conversation with the principal Angel decides to go visit Jordan. Although she will have to sneak out of her dorm to do this. When she arrives she goes to Jordan's window and sees a girl drinking blood from a guy's neck. Jordan sees her at the window and she tells him he's not going back in there. Jordan tells her everything is different in night school. You have to follow all the rules or you could get hurt.

Angel begins to see that things are different at the academy. That even some of the people are also different. They are all very good looking. So she decides that she is going to night school with her brother so that she can keep an eye on him and protect him. She gets herself transferred to night school.

Then one night when she is out walking alone she is attacked by a group of boys that she goes to school with. She finds out that night that the boys are vampires and they were sent by Alexa to attack her but not kill her. When Angel was small her dad had her take karate lessons. Well now she was very glad that she took the lessons. Angel kicked some butt that night.

All Angel wants is to get through school, reach her 18th birthday so that she can take Jordan away and take care of him herself. She is a very strong person that know how to kick butt. Angel will do whatever it takes fight whom ever she needs to, to save Jordan from the vampires.
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