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review 2014-01-11 15:24
New Release Review: The Sharpest Blade
The Sharpest Blade - Sandy Williams

The Sharpest Blade is the final book in Sandy William’s Shadow Reader series. In this installment, McKenzie leaves the relative security of life in Las Vegas and returns to the fae realm which is suffering from upheaval. Lena has declared herself as queen but she is running into opposition from the false blood who also claims the throne. This book is heavy on the court intrigue and maneuvering for power. It seems that a lot of people want to lead the fae, each with their own agenda.


The story is told from McKenzie’s point of view. While I like McKenzie as a character, it’s hard to be in her head all the time, especially when she agonizes over the men in her life. Will it be Kyol with whom she shares a bond, or Aren the gorgeous and hunky? McKenzie has gone through a lot of changes since the first book. She is stronger and has faster reflexes. I like how she is more poised and kickass at the same time.


I love the magic in this series. The fae realm is full of cool magic, especially how the fae fissure in and out of places. This makes the battle scenes very fast paced and exciting. There are lots of swordfights for fans of swashbuckling, too. The fae magic also makes for quite a colorful love scene as well. The imagery of the chaos lusters sparking across the skin was beautiful.


Be sure to check out the author’s website for a glossary of fae to English words. There’s also a map of the fae realm in case you have an ereader that does not do justice to graphics.


The Sharpest Blade was a satisfying conclusion to The Shadow Reader series. I can’t wait to see what other books Ms. Williams has planned for the future.


Be sure to check out Badass Book Reviews for a chance to win a copy of a book in this series. Also we are treated to a special excerpt from Paige’s point of view.


Review posted on Badass Book Reviews. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Berkley NAL for a review copy of this book.

Source: badassbookreviews.com/new-release-review-the-sharpest-blade-by-sandy-williams-2
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review 2014-01-10 05:44
Review: The Sharpest Blade
The Sharpest Blade - Sandy Williams


To say I'm disappointed in the final book of this series is an understatement.  It wouldn't have been so bad if there wasn't so much time spent on the love triangle whom everyone knew the outcome of.  I thought everything in this story got shafted for McKenzie whining about the bond and Aren repeatedly.


McKenzie seemed very immature and needy in this book.  There is a fucking war going on and she is worried about Aren ignoring her or Kyol being able to feel her feelings. She spends 3 weeks working at the help desk of a library where she is so bored that she repeatedly checks her e-mail.  Does it ever enter her mind to practice shielding her mind from Kyol.  Nope.  Instead, let's complain about Aren not seeing her for 3 weeks instead of trying to fix something that is bothering her.


I do understand Aren having reservations about being in a relationship with McKenzie because who wants another guy who loves your girlfriend knowing when you have sex and how she is feeling.  Big roadblock and eww.  Do they do the adult thing and all sit down and discuss this.  Umm, no.   Aren becomes an ass.  He is hardly in this book and when he is, I just wanted him gone because he annoyed me so much.  I was so cheering when Mckenzie gave him an ultimatum  but she of course somewhat backtracks, and becomes needy again.  She just has to convince Aren that he is being stupid and that love conquers all things and they belong together.  Yep, that's all.


Then the plot holes.  




You know why didn't the false blood just kill Aren and Lena instead of knocking them out and storing them all in one room?  I mean, I understand his hate for McKenzie and wanting to torture her but the others, nope not buying it.

(spoiler show)


And what happened to Lorn? Dead? Alive? Who knows? Is she creating another story in this world because there are some things that still need to be explaining?

Lorn? Lee? The lifebond between Kyol and McKenzie?

(spoiler show)

These things were not explained or solved. I'm hopeful that she will though I think maybe she should avoid love triangles the next time around. 


I still really like the world and I liked that people actually died in the war, though a bit sad especially about one certain death. T-T It was just sad.  I did enjoy the fight scenes and everything, I just wished there was more.  More action. more time with side characters that are not Kyol or Aren, more information on everything.  I was actually rooting for Kyol because he seemed much more interesting in this book than Aren which I thought I would never say. 


I do like the author so I'll read another book by her but hoping that it won't have a dragged out love triangle like this series had.

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