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review 2019-01-12 04:45
Yes, more please
Aquaman: Undertow - Steve Behling,Dan Burgess

It's based on the movie, fleshed out Arthur Curry's childhood, and has the one scene in the movie that was my favorite.   It's also illustrated, and the pictures are just gorgeous. 


It's fun, fast, and maybe not the most intellectual book ever, but I was having a huge migraine yesterday that bled into today and this helped.

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review 2018-09-05 17:13
More witches, more secrets...
Undertow - Brooklyn Ray

'Undertow' is the second book in the 'Port Lewis Witches' series by new to me author Brooklyn Ray and while I was gobsmacked by 'Darkling' this one has totally bewitched me.


If 'Darkling' was Ryder's story and believe me it was than 'Undertow' is Liam's story, but just like Ryder's story Liam's can't be told without the members of his circle, so as things unfold we also get little pieces of Donovan, Tyler and Christy and a bit more Ryder as well. 


While Ryder's element is fire we also know that he has dark magic running through him but that's for his story, so if you haven't read it and you want to know...well, off you go now because this part of Ryder's story is very, very much connected to Liam's story and yeah, you guessed it, I'm not saying more about that. Liam's magic is water but as we discover in this story it's complicated...there are secrets...so many secrets and these secrets may not only cost Liam all he holds dear but he may find his very life on the line.


Writing a story that feels as full and complete as this one in less than 100 pages is pretty damned impressive and doing it now once but twice...well, color me impressed!


Things begin to get even more complicated as Liam tries to untangle the mystery surrounding his magic and as he and Ryder maneuver a relationship that's just a little more complicated than the norm...remember that dark magic I mentioned in my review of 'Darkling'...well, we're not done with it...not by a long shot and this is only part of why I can't stress strongly enough that these books are not 'standalone' stories. Seriously start at the beginning, you'll be happier for having done so.


While I'd love the stories to be longer because really who among us don't want more if it's a story that we're enjoying. I've thoroughly enjoyed the pacing on this one. It's not so fast that I can't keep up but it also doesn't allow for those moments when I'm bored and my mind wanders. Plus I have to admit I'm enjoying the fact that I'm not having to wade through a lot of superfluous and unnecessary information to try and figure out what's relevant to the story and what's window dressing because while you might be patient on this one it's pretty much all necessary.


Ok, just a couple more things before I move on here...at the end of this book is a peek at what's coming next...it's Tyler and Donovan's story...trust me, we don't want to miss this and last but not least...


Have you looked at the covers on both of these books...they're gorgeous. It's honestly a refreshing change to see a cover that speaks more to the overall tone of the book a couple of male torsos that when all is said and done I discover bare little or no resemble to anyone in the story. Don't get me wrong I can appreciate an attractive male torso as well as the next person but sometimes it's nice just to see a book cover that has some attractive imagery that speaks to me and says 'look I have a story for you...come, sit with me and we'll discover it together...'



An ARC of 'Undertow' was graciously provided by the team at 'IndiGo' Events in exchange for an honest review.

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text 2018-01-01 15:47
Undertow - Michael Buckley

Awesome book

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review 2017-07-21 20:50
It Was Rushed and I Wanted More
Heart of the Storm (Undertow) - Michael Buckley

3.5 stars
A great series with a rushed ending.
I really enjoyed tis YA series. The fresh look at merpeople and sea creatures was really cool and kept me coming back for more. The character details alone are worth the read. They are believable, functional, and awesome. Mr. Buckley has a wonderful imagination. He also developed some shameful characters that you just love to hate, really love to hate ! LOL
My problems with the book was the rushed pacing. Everything was happening at a semi regular paced then bam, bam, bam, we were at the end. The new characters just never got developed enough and they were so amazing. I loved Husk, he was just getting so interesting and then it ended with him not fully finished for me. I had the same issue with Fantom, why did he just disappear in the book ? It felt like there was a hole. I fell like these side characters need their own book I liked them better than the MCand we got too much of her and not enough of them.

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text 2017-07-17 22:40
Reading progress update: I've read 9 out of 320 pages.
Heart of the Storm (Undertow) - Michael Buckley

Ohhh good start ! 

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