I guess my life isn't interesting or expensive enough because I have joined that group of Booklikers with furnace problems. The blower has died. The heat is there but no way to force it. Sigh.
About 10 days ago my phone, the zombie, disappeared. You might remember I blogged here about its return from the (almost) dead. I was out running errands and somewhere it just slithered out of my bag and scuttled off.
It had been ailing again and I was trying to nurse it along until the holiday specials started appearing but it knew its days were numbered and chose to leave me before I found a suitable replacement.
I figure one of two things happened: it crawled away to die alone under an electrical outlet in a quiet corner OR it turned feral and is now hiding behind potted plants in crowded office buildings and is leaping out and gnawing on the ankles of iPhone users.
After enjoying three days of phone-free existence, three glorious phone-free days, I went online and phone shopped. I had thought to buy a basic cheapie and still wait for the sales but I was seduced by a handsome, smooth-ringing number.
I didn't want to wait for shipping so I went to Best Buy and there it was- My Precious. Out of the box I love this phone. I am now shopping for a shock-proof case, maybe several because it should have its choice. I have loaded an (for me) obscene amount of apps on it.
I can do sooooo much on My Precious.
Now, if it could only figure out how to fix the furnace.
So handsome, so intelligent.
Sorry, we truly appreciate your efforts to make your site better and easier to interact with but the downsizing of images is causing a lot of problems and great unhappiness. Could you please work on bringing back the old parameters, please?
"One timely deed is worth ten thousand words" - The Works of Mr. James Thomson, 1802
"That tear, good girl, is worth, ten thousand words" - The Trust: A Comedy, in Five Acts, 1808
"One fact well understood by observation, and well guided development, is worth a thousand times more than a thousand words" - The American Journal of Education, 1858
"The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book."-Ivan S. Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons, 1862
"Every picture tells a story". - Doan's Backache Kidney Pills
"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words."- Arthur Brisbane to the Syracuse Advertising Men's Club
We realize that it might not be as easy as just adding it back but,
We'd love to show you but we can't download the file
"He liked her; she had heart— lots of heart. And a large heart was something he always put a high premium on because it was such a rare thing of beauty.
He knew from experience that, in this world, you usually were served up cold heart, no heart, heartburn, halfhearted, heartsick, heartache, heartbreak, hard heart, heart of stone, heartless or, absolute rock-bottom worst of all, heart-lite— which was low-cal, no-fat heart. To Jim, heart-lite was porn: heart without emotion."
"Jurassic" Jim Fleetwood, about Linda, the MC