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text 2020-07-16 20:36
7 Suggestions On How To Find Junior Editors For Your Kids'S Book

Avoid showering and making the hair damp prior to waxing. This is not only deceptive, but is bound to backfire. Plainly articulate WHO you are searching for and make it easy for those people to relate to you.

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After mу very firѕt Mаri Smith lіvе occasion, I discovered that I dіdn't change much in my social nеtworks strategy. I was ovеrwhelmеd wіth thе knowledge I got аnd never ever madе a tасtical plan to implement thе strategies thаt I lіkеd.

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A hat technique - the ice hockey term used when a player makes 3 goals in the very same game. One thing I attempt not to do is ask my followers to RT (retweet) my individual Tweets.

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text 2015-11-18 21:52
BOOK TAG - How I Read

I’ve been reading everyone else’s responses to these questions and I must say it is fun to get to know everyone a little bit better. So, jumping on the bandwagon … here’s mine.


How do you find out about new books to read?


I receive email updates from EVERYWHERE … all the major publishers, Goodreads new releases by authors I’ve read before, the library … EVERYWHERE. I go through them and make lists, then delve a little deeper into the descriptions. Then I check out my local library website to see what I can get from there. My “requests” page rarely has less than ten books on it. The rest go onto my “wishlist” for possible purchase. Since I’ve joined BookLikes my TBR has grown substantially … so thanks to all or you for that!


How did you get in to reading?


My mom was an avid reader.   She read primarily German books called “Romans”, which I guess would be the German equivalent to a Harlequin.   My mom was also extremely cheap thrifty so to replenish her stock of books we made bi-monthly trips (after going to the Saturday morning market) to the only (at that time) used/exchange bookstore in town. We lived in a predominantly German-speaking town so finding her books was not difficult.   I was allowed to browse and pick a book of my own to take home. Eventually, I had enough books and my mom encouraged me to begin exchanging (2 for 1) for the new books I wanted. That was hard for me to do. Once I got old enough and a little more self-mobile it was the library and the bookmobile. I really cannot remember a time I did not have a book close by.


How have your tastes in books changed as you got older?


The genres haven’t changed all that much as I still very much enjoy mysteries and horror, I’ve just added some other genres to the list. Each time I was pregnant with one of my girls I found I could not read horror books *shoulder shrug* so I read historical romance and chick lit, although it wasn’t called chick lit then. Like the iced tea I craved during those pregnancies and rarely touch now, the historical romance and chick lit are few and far between these days. I’ve also started reading more non-fiction if the subject matter appeals.


How often do you buy books?


I used to buy all my books but now it’s probably a 60/40 split between the library and the bookstore.   I find it difficult to get rid of books and shelving space is always an issue, so I limit myself to buying books by the authors that I love and collect, the rest I borrow. Of course, since acquiring an e-reader, the shelving problem has sort of been negated and I find I am purchasing more e-books. I still love treasure hunting through used book stores and sales, probably because of my mom.


How did you get in to reviewing books?


Hmmm … do you want the “pretty” answer or the “ugly reality” answer? … both are true in their own right!   The pretty answer – I have always tracked my reading. A book journal for the following year was always nestled in amongst my Christmas presents. When I discovered GR it was like a dream come true, I could do it electronically. Then I started noticing the disclaimers on some of the reviews.   You know the ones “I received this book at no charge …” and that leads me to my “ugly reality” reason. Where were these people getting books for free and why wasn’t I? When I checked into it I found you usually had to have a blog – no problem – I was already keeping a blog going for a small group I belong to (long story, won’t bore you) and I was already writing reviews on GR, so I started a book blog and availed myself of those freebies out there. Did I mention my mom was cheap frugal … I guess I inherited some of those frugal genes. :-)


How do you react when you don’t like the end of a book?


I throw the book across the room and have a toddler temper tantrum on the floor! NO – not really – well, only in my head.


How often do you take a sneak peek at the ending to see if there is a happy ending?


Honestly, not too often.   If it’s a series and I think one of my favorite characters is going to get written out I will quickly scan the last few pages to see if their name pops out at me, but I seldom actually read a page at the end of a book until I get there.


Do you use bookmarks in your books?


Like so many others have said, I also have a rather large collection of bookmarks (the perk/curse of an avid reader) but I tend to use anything that is handy … clean tissue, an envelope, a receipt … you name it and it’s probably been tucked into a book at some time. Being a faithful library user I have come across some unusual things that others have used as bookmarks.   Nothing gross yet, thank goodness, but take heart all – we are not alone in our unusual choices of page keepers.  


As everyone before me has said, I tag anyone else who would like to participate in this little question and answer exercise. Please do! I love reading the responses.

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text 2015-08-12 02:02
Another Bandwagon! But 15 to be difficult.

1. Kristen Ashley 49---Umm, yeah.  I can't quit her.  And she's actually written 49 books?  For non KA readers, I love her but seriously she has written the same book over and over again.  And yet, I still read them. But fair warning.  Same books.  

2.  Karina Halle 27-- I lllooovveee EIT.  Ghosts, skinwalkers, demon possession, creepy clown lady, creepy kid ghosts, dead leper baby peeling off it's skin to play with while crawling up Perry, zombies, etc.  It has everything.  Dex and Perry 4 evah!  

3. Robert Kirkman 18-- Do graphic novels count?  Thankfully I didn't count them one by one or this number would be outrageously high by now.  

4. Tennessee Williams 16--Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Streetcar Named Desire.  Need I say more?  I love Tennessee.  

6. Charlaine Harris 14--Sookie Stackhouse.  Time I'll never get back.  

6. Karen Marie Moning 14--Two words.  Jericho Barrons. 

6. Ilona Andrews 14--And counting. 

9. Kim Harrison 13--Nothing witty here.  


10. J.R. Ward 11-- I made it as far as Torh's book and then called it a day with BDB.  I'm surprised I made it that far honestly. 

11.  Colleen Hoover 11-- I loved Slammed and it's sequels, now I keep trudging through her books determined to love another one of her releases for more than the idea behind it.  One day. 

11.  Jennifer L. Armentrout 11--Meh, I dug most of the Lux series but everything else was average. 

14. Molly Harper 10--I kinda want to reread the Jane Jameson series. I need to check if she has anything else coming out soon. 

15.  S.C. Stephens 9--Kellan Kyle!  Another one that I enjoyed one series and then read everything else to get the dreaded meh.  Story of NA. 

15.  Stephen King 9-- Only 9?  Really?  I need to rectify that. 


So overall thoughts.  I really need to expand my horizons.  I knew that already, hence the NA/Contemporary romance hiatus after my obviously massive binge in recent years.  I'm thinking more horror, paranormal and catching up on my classics as I have the time. But man... 49 Kristen Ashley books.  

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text SPOILER ALERT! 2014-02-19 17:34
A Wild Bandwagon Approaches! (Or 10 things you probably didn't need to know about me)

1) My best score on the original Gameboy version of Tetris is 177 lines.


2) I am a font of knowledge about chicken poo. I have never failed to accurately diagnose a chicken from the state of its poo. 


3) Sometimes, I cannot stand to hear other peoples' good news. Somebody I vaguely know was told by a top author that they were the best unpublished novelist the top author had ever read and instead of being happy for them, I wanted to grind their face into something rotating and shriek "Why, God, Whhhhhhyyyyyy?!" 


4) The only Charles Dickens I've ever read is A Christmas Carol.


5) I hate yoghurt because it's too thick to drink and too thin to chew. Ditto jelly/jello.


6) Woodlice make me cry. It's their legs; their little wiggly white legs. *suppressed sob* At school, we had to do an experiment where we collected woodlice, put tippex on them, released them, then recaptured them the following week to find out how many woodlice were stupid enough to still be there. It was mainly the ones with their legs stuck together.


7) My 35 year-old sister refuses to come into physical contact with me and always has. If I have to pass her something, she'll get me to drop it into her hand and flinches away as I do so. I don't know how this makes me feel. I don't know why she does it either. 


8) I recently spent an awkward 30 seconds waiting for somebody to do maths on their phone because I was too embarrassed to just tell them the answer, demonstrating my Mental Arithmetic Skillz.


9) I once almost fainted watching Derren Brown performing a trick where he walked on broken glass. Not in the flesh, on the TV. 


10) I have a ridiculous crush on a vet but am too afraid to do anything about it because he works at the best Veterinary hospital around here and my cat is important to me. I know nothing about him beyond the fact he graduated last year (and is therefore something like 4 years younger than me) and the fact we always end up pissing ourselves laughing. He gets bonus points for being (just) taller than me. *dreamy sigh*

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text 2014-02-19 01:55
10 Things About Me!

1. My dream job is to be a children's librarian. As I currently work as a library assistant in a children's library and I start grad school for library science in the fall, I'd say I'm well on my way to making my dream a reality! 


2. I am CRAZY organized - but only electronically, with my clothes, and with my books/movies. My room gets cluttered (but never TOO messy - you can always see the floor very clearly), but I organize my books/movies alphabetically and I organize my clothes by type (dresses, sweaters, skirts, pants, etc) and then by color. And I don't ever let anyone else touch them because I'm that anal about them getting out of order. And then my computer has all my files very neatly and precisely sorted into folders (my mom saw one day and was astounded) and I keep track of my finances in a very meticulous Excel spreadsheet. And yet, in spite of all of this, the top of my dresser is ALWAYS super cluttered haha. 


3. I adore my hometown (York, PA, USA). I know a lot of people who say "I can't wait to get out of here!," but I love it. I love its history, I love how close it is to everywhere that I ever want to go to. (1.5 hours from Annapolis, 2.5 from D.C., 4 from NYC, 4 from the beach, 4 from my alma mater, 4 from Pittsburgh), and I love how even though it's a moderately sized city, it's still got a very small-town mentality - my grandpa's lived here for all of his life and he knows EVERYONE. My fiance and I plan to move away for a few years when we get married so I can go to grad school, but we both have every intention of moving back and raising our future family here. 


4. Speaking of my fiance, my favorite thing about him is his spontaneity. It complements me very well, because I'm not spontaneous AT ALL - I plan my life out to an obsessive degree. He adds a bit of adventure into my life and helps me to live in the moment, while I help him plan as much as is necessary - but no more than that, when I can help it :)

5. My favorite book genres are the classics, historical fiction (especially Tudor era England), and young adult literature. I'm also getting to be more of a fan of chick lit and romance, but I'm often frustrated by how shallow the storylines can be. Other than that, I'm open to trying just about anything - but whether I'll actually like it or not is pretty up in the air. 


6. My opinion of music can be changed completely by my memories of it with my sorority sisters. For example, when Katy Perry's "Roar" first came out, I despised it - intentionally inspirational songs (and books and movies, etc) annoy the crap out of me. In my opinion, if it's truly inspirational, it shouldn't be intentionally inspirational, it should happen naturally. But one night when I was out with my sorority sisters, I had a blast belting it out with my friend Kelly. Now, any time that song comes on the radio, a smile instantly appears on my face! 


7. And on the topic of sorority sisters, joining a sorority was honestly the best decision I ever made when I was in college. I never wanted to join one before, as I associated them with hazing and drinking. But never once was I hazed and my sisters have become my best friends in the world. My confidence shot through the roof, not because of social status but because I knew that my friends had my back no matter what. I ended up getting a $1000 scholarship my senior year from my national organization that ended up more than covering the money that I paid throughout college to be a part of the organization. And I gained priceless leadership experience that I never would have had the opportunity to have if I hadn't joined such an amazing organization. ΣΣΣ for life <3


8. My sorority sisters aren't the only sisters I have in my life - I also have two younger sisters, Elyse and Mary Kate, who are 18 and 13, respectively. They're awesome. We also have 3 brothers, Matt, Peter, and Sean (20, 16, and 13 - Mary Kate and Sean are twins). In American society today, a lot of people frown on having big families. In my opinion, being a part of a big family is the BEST. My siblings are wonderful - yes, they annoyed me a LOT when I was younger (and still do from time to time), but we have the best memories and we're super close now. 


9. PCs over Macs ;)


10. Booklikes has become my all-time favorite social networking site. Books + a genuinely awesome community of users - what could be better? :) 

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