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review 2020-06-17 20:04
Review ~ Awesome!
Soul Walk - Melissa Bowersock

Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud make quite the team. She’s a private investigator and he’s a medium and they take cases where ghosts are stuck on the Earthly plane. Lacey does the research on the person and Sam tires to glean information from the departed. They need as much info as possible to help a soul move on. They’ve gotten pretty popular and now a tv show has come knocking. They could use the money and the advertising, but will the hassle really be worth the trouble? To top it all off, this case has multiple ghosts and one is very young. Sam is feeling this job more than any others so far. Will this case be their undoing?


When I saw this book was going to be about a supernatural ghost-chasing team tv show I immediately thought of Ghostfacers from Supernatural. LOL Luckily they are more professional and not as idiotic as Ghostfacers. Much as I love them, they are idiots. Anyway, there’s a lot going on with how to film a show like this and I have to say, it turned out exactly as I anticipated it would. In addition, the ghosts are interesting and heartbreaking. Sam and Lacey are tested in this one and I’m not disappointed.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/06/soul-walk.html
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video 2020-03-11 10:27


Investigative Consultants Inc has the best private investigators in Lexington KY. We are able to solve and or bring to a successful conclusion some of the most complicated cases. For more details call us.

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text 2019-03-08 08:47

Every person should be excellent in his profession and should definitely have the characteristic required to be successful in the profession. Private detective or private investigator (PI) or private eye (PE) is also a profession which needs immense potential and people with a certain set of quality can only become a private investigator.




A private investigators job is never a desk job. The job of a detective is anything but monotonous and boring. However, as the private detective works in different arena's ability to learn and comprehend new thing should be very high. An inquisitive mind is always open to learning and loves to work in different environments. A private detective may sometimes physically follow or do surveillance of a person to find about his daily routine. On any other day, he may have to strike a friendship with unknown people to extract information. Many a time private detective have to disguise themselves as workers, hawkers/drivers etc. Therefore, to work in such a versatile field a person needs to be inquisitive and open to learning new things.


Patience is another trait without which a person can never become a private detective. Sometimes, a private investigator has to follow a single lead many times before getting desirable results. Therefore, tolerance and fortitude are needed to accomplish the job of a private investigator. A private investigator should be open to delays and problems and he should be able to withstand them without getting annoyed or anxious. In some of the cases it takes months of trails to succeed. If a private investigator leaves the trail after getting impatience then he can never become a successful detective.


A private detective usually takes personal data from his clients. Therefore, for a client a detective is a person in whom he has bestowed trust and faith. This trust and faith shall never be betrayed by a private detective. A client before handling case give a brief of his/her problems. These problems are very personal in nature such as sexuality, bigamy, infidelity, dishonesty, drug abuse, cooperate secrets, professional problems etc. The confidentiality and privacy of the client shall not be compromised under any circumstances. A deceitful person shall never opt for this profession as a private detective needs to be honest, sincere, genuine and truthful.


A detective needs to collect information and data from society in general. Therefore, affability, warmth, sociability and cordiality needs to be present in a person aspiring to become a private investigator. The ability to open up with new people and get friendly with them is the key to success. The aspiring detective should be able to open up the conversation with any person. Beginning of the conversation in itself resolves most of the work. While interacting with people, a friendly person doesn't appear to be threatening and people reveal the information to such person.


A private investigator or detective should have most advanced technological skills to meet the challenges and scientific environment of the modern era of technology. A good private detective should enhance his/her technological skills to stay on the top of latest technologies like knowledge of spy phone software, GPS tracking system, spy camera, modern surveillance, spy gadgets etc. to full fill client's need.

DDS Management Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Imparts training to budding detectives. For still analysis or internship you man please contact DDS Detectives.

Source: www.ddsdetective.com/blog/5-qualities-to-become-a-successful-private-detective.html
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review 2018-08-06 19:43
Quote the Raven: Nevermore
In a Strange City - Laura Lippman

Not going to lie, this one so far is my least favorite of the series. It just drags and it's pretty obvious who has to be the bad guy because we are only introduced to one person who could have done it. Also for a book about Edgar Allen Poe this was boring. I have to admit though, I had no freaking clue the Baltimore Ravens were named for Poe's "The Raven" poem. How did I not know that? Interesting premise, but it just doesn't work.


"In a Strange City" has Tess and Crow dealing with the renovation of the house they bought. Tess has some downtime and gets asked about being hired to unmask the famed Visitor (a man who goes to Edgar Allen Poe's grave and toasts him, leaves flowers, and a note every year) that has become a Baltimore tradition. Tess is outraged about anyone trying to unmask this person so she decides to go with Crow to make sure that the Visitor is left alone. Instead two men meet at Poe's grave, and one is shot to death. With the police involved, Tess decides to track down the man who originally tried to hire her. She ends up running into the police and another private investigator on this one.


Tess is usually on her game, but in this one she gets beaten up twice and not really able to link things as well as she usually does (well not until the end). Tess and Crow seem to be solid, but honestly I needed him in a corner out of the way, he doesn't add much to this book. We hear about Tess's parents, but they are not in this one and her Uncle Spike has moved. So we have some of the usual characters missing and it is felt.


The writing is okay, it just felt like Lippman kept trying to loop in Poe references and it doesn't really work. When you see how Poe is involved I maybe rolled my eyes. 


The flow was not good though, the first part of the book really does drag. I honestly didn't think things picked up much until we dealt with a second murder that happens. At this point the book moves a bit faster and it feels as if Tess is rushing to just name the murderer already.

The ending was odd, no other way to call it. I just didn't see much of the point in this. It doesn't help that the so called Poe Toaster stopped being a thing in Baltimore in 2010. It restarted again in 2016 though lost it's flair for the unknown when the Maryland Historical Society picked someone to be the new toaster. 

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review 2018-08-06 19:30
Tess, A Case, and Her Family
The Sugar House - Laura Lippman

This one is heartbreaking though at first I was confused by all of the players. Lippman does a great job of showing the consequences that Tess has to live with when she refuses to let a case go. Tess's family pays for it and it leaves her slightly estranged from her father. Considering that we never really got a sense that Tess's father was disapproving of what Tess did for a living, it was surprising to see him and Tess fighting in this one. In the end, the ending was very well done and I loved how Tess was about dealing with an eye for an eye (messing with her family does not go unpunished).


"The Sugar House" has Tess being asked to look into a murdered girl by one of Tess's father's friends. The woman who asks, Ruth, believes that her brother was set up to take the fall for a girl the police say he took back to his house and murdered. While in jail he was murdered, and Ruth wants someone to pay. Tess initially thinks this case is going to be one long dead end until she finds out enough clues to trace the unknown dead girl to a house for young teens who are dealing with eating disorders. As readers know, Tess dealt with an eating disorder when she was young, she also finds out her long time friend Whitney dealt with one as well. 

When Tess starts to find links between the dead girl and possibly some people that her father knows, that is when things go from bad to worse.

We have the usual suspects in this one, Aunt Kitty, Jackie, Whitney, Uncle Spike and now we have Crow (he and Tess are trying again and are deliriously happy) and Tess's friends at the paper, along with her cop friend too. 


I do love how Tess is still haunted by the choices she made in book #1 and realizes she doesn't want to just look the other way again. She knows that some people did something terrible to this girl and it stings that her father is telling her to let it go and who cares. 

The writing was really good and I have to laugh at Whitney coming along as Tess's sidekick in this one. 


The flow was great and I maybe read this one too fast. I was so worried that something was going to happen to several characters in this one.


The ending was great and it's nice to see that Tess is earning a good reputation as a private investigator. 

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