I can just feel my tears of frustration bleed through my spoiler tag.
Oh my fucking God. Blue is a slut. That's it. I am
so pissed at Blue. This whole ruse with Sasha was "apparently" meant to awaken Derek or some shit, so he would stop holding back on Blue and give Blue what he "needs".
Blue Blue Blue.
Goddamn it Blue. He even said himself that he would've let Sasha fuck him, this being despite the fact that in the contract that Derek set up with Sasha, there was a clause saying that there would be no fucking between the two. Because Sasha is a sex God and all Blue is a slut. And that contract was meant to restrain
Sasha. But of course Blue can't help but be aroused. Because Sasha is a sex God, of course.
The only parts where I actually liked Sasha was when he had smexy snippets with Derek. Because Sasha is actually a really awesome character, and I want to see more of him. But insert
Blue into the picture, and I just feel like castrating both of them.
I just really want Ms Strauss to add some random minor character into this series that is attracted solely to
Derek for once, and for there to be some intense sexual tension or some shit. Then maybe Blue will finally get a taste of his own medicine.
Okay I need to stop ranting. But fuck. Keep it in the pants, Blue.